Faculty/Staff Directory Index

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Alphabetic Faculty Profiles

Russ Haas - Faculty

Faculty Associate

rehaas@wisc.edu, (608) 265-3032

Susan Hagness - Faculty

Department Chair, Philip Dunham Reed Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
and Maria Stuchly Professor of Electrical Engineering

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Bioelectromagnetics, computational electromagnetics, dielectric spectroscopy, FDTD theory and applications, including multi-physics solvers, microwave diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for biological and medical applications, microwave ablation antennas and systems, microwave thermoacoustics, microwave inverse scattering, microwave breast imaging, ...
susan.hagness@wisc.edu, (608) 265-5739

Aviad Hai - Faculty

Vilas Early Career Assistant Professor

Biomedical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Neural engineering, Neuroscience, Neuroimaging, Nanoelectronics & Nanofabrication, Brain Machine Interfaces, Research at UW
ahai@wisc.edu, (608) 890-3411

Bezalel C. Haimson - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Materials Science and Engineering, Geological Engineering

Rock mechanics, failure modes in rocks, true triaxial strength criteria, borehole instability and breakouts, strain localization in high porosity sandstones and compaction bands, rock stress and in situ stress measurements, hydraulic fracturing
bhaimson@wisc.edu, (608) 262-2563

Timothy Hall - Faculty


Medical ultrasound, Wave propagation in inhomogeneous media, Characterization of media based on interactions with ultrasonic waves, Viscoelasticity, Nonlinear hyperelasticity, Measurement of the fundamental mechanical properties of soft tissues, Development of test tools and teaching tools for ultrasonic imaging systems, Signal and image processing, Im...
tjhall@wisc.edu, (608) 265-9459

Robert Hamers - Faculty


Physical and chemical propertes of molecular-based materialsmolecular electronicsnanoscale assembly techniques for molecular systemschemical and structural characterization of surfacesinterfaces between inorganic materials and organic/biological materials
rjhamers@wisc.edu, (608) 262-6371

Jesse Hampton - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering

Experimental geomechanics, geophysics, and petrophysics, induced seismicity, non-destructive evaluation, acoustic emission, anisotropy/heterogeneity, damage, fractures, and material behavior, upscaling/downscaling, artificial intelligence in geological engineering, digital rock physics/mechanics

Yehui Han - Faculty

Assistant Professor

    Power Electronics, High-Power-Density Integrated Machine Drives, Battery Management Systems, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
    yehui@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-2126

Jo Handelsman - Faculty

Director of the Wisconsin Institute for Discover

The Handelsman Lab uses multidisciplinary techniques to understand the structure and function of microbiomes. Our lab applies metagenomics, genetics, and small molecule chemistry, to study biochemistry and genetic regulation of antibiotic production, microbial diversity, antibiotic resistance, and symbioses in communities in soil, on plant roots, and i...
jo.handelsman@wisc.edu, (608) 316-4555

Amgad Hanna - Faculty

MD, Professor

Dr. Hanna’s lab investigates novel interventions to improve functional recovery after spinal cord injury (SCI) and nerve regeneration.Research at the UW
hanna@neurosurgery.wisc.edu, (608) 255-4223

Awad Hanna - Faculty

Boldt Company Professor in Construction and Engineering Management

Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Construction Engineering and Management Program

Construction  productivity measurement and management of human resources, Intergrated Project Delivery and Lean Construction, Change Mangement and Cumulative Impact of Change Orders, Risk Management and Proper Allocation of Risks, Mathematical Modeling for Decision Making, Project Control and Eraned Value Analysis, Electrical, Mechanical, and Shee...
ashanna@wisc.edu, (608) 263-8903

Gregory Harrington - Faculty

Professor & Department Chair

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Chemistry and Technology

Environmental engineering, aquatic chemistry in treatment and distribution of drinking water, removal of waterborne pathogens and other microbes during drinking water treatment and distribution, mathematical modeling of disinfectant decay, disinfection byproduct formation, and microbial growth & inactivation, reducing energy use and associated cost...
gwharrin@wisc.edu, (608) 695-3380

Chris Hegna - Faculty

Harvey D. Spangler Professor

Theoretical plasma physics, fusion science, magnetic confinement of plasmas, magnetohydrodynamics
cchegna@wisc.edu, (608) 263-0810

Bryan Heiderscheit - Faculty


Neuromuscular adaptations to injury and aging, Gait mechanics, Running injuries, Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Research at the UW 
heiderscheit@ortho.wisc.edu, (608) 263-5428

Eric E. Hellstrom - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Science Program

Synthesis, characterization and application of electrical ceramics, solid electrolytes, high-temperature oxide superconductors
hellstrom@engr.wisc.edu, (850) 645-7489

Phillip Helmke - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Research interests include concentrations and behavior of the chemical elements in the various phases and components of the so il-water-plant system and reaction pathways of the elements in this important bio-geochemical system, bio-availability and upt ake of elements by plants and to the behavior of elements added to soils from recycled wastes ...

Corinne Henak - Faculty

Elmer R. and Janet A. Kaiser Associate Professor

Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Mechanical and biological responses of cartilage to injury, Orthopedic soft tissue materials characterization, Finite element modeling
chenak@wisc.edu, (608) 263-1619

Douglass Henderson - Faculty

Harvey D. Spangler Professor

Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, Biomedical Engineering

Reactor physics, radiation transport, fusion reactor technology, nuclear waste
henderson@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 263-0808

Ive Hermans - Faculty

John and Dorothy Vozza & Evan P. and Marion Helfaer Professor

Sustainable chemistry and catalysis engineering

Antonio Hernandez - Faculty

Teaching Faculty II

ahernandez2@wisc.edu, (608) 446-3698

Noah Hershkowitz - Faculty

Irving Langmuir Professor Emeritus

Plasma etching, plasm-aided manufacturing, basic plasma physics, ICRF effects, laboratory space plasma physics
hershkowitz@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 263-4970

John L. Hetland - Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Expertise is in the Construction Management of complex projects., Expertise in Design Build delivery of projects, Interest and knowledge in Lean techniques for deliverying projects, Process development, lessons learned and constraint management.
jhetland@wisc.edu, (608) 410-8207

Andrea Hicks - Faculty

Keith and Jane Nosbusch Associate Professor

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering, Freshwater and Marine Sciences

-Sustainability-Environmental systems analysis and optimization-Life cycle assessment-Agent-based modeling-Rebound effect-Environmental implications of technology -Engineering and sustainability education 

Mark Hill - Faculty


Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Sciences

Computer architecture, performance evaluation, computer memory system design, parallel computin
markhill@cs.wisc.edu, (608) 262-2196

Charles G. Hill - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Chemical and Biological Engineering, Environmental Chemistry and Technology

    immobilized enzyme technology, kinetics and catalysis, membrane separations, photocatalysis, wood adhesives, new bleaching technology
    cghill@wisc.edu, (608) 263-4593

Charles Hirst - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Nuclear materials, Radiation damage, In situ experiments, Coupled extremes, Irradiation creep mechanisms, Gradient experiments, Thermal analysis, Defect recovery stages, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Stored energy
cahirst@wisc.edu, (608) 263-2760

William Hitchon - Faculty


Electrical and Computer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Plasma processing, computational modeling, semiconductors
whitchon@wisc.edu, (608) 262-2501

Kevin L. Hoag - Faculty

Associate Faculty Associate

Franklin Hobbs - Faculty

Assistant Teaching Professor

Teaching and Learning, Course Development, Diversity and Inclusion, Earth and Natural Materials, Crystallography, Crystal Chemistry
fhobbs@wisc.edu, (608) 262-3971

Kent Hobson - Faculty

Adjunct Assistant Professor Emeritus

Computer graphics, geometric modeling, computer-aided design, architectural and engineering graphics
hobson@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 263-2893

Eric Hoffman - Faculty

Teaching Faculty

erichoffman@wisc.edu, (608) 212-3461

Seungpyo Hong - Faculty

Milton J. Henrichs Chair, Professor

Biomimetic nanotechnology, Nano-bio interactions, Targeted drug delivery for immunotherapy, Liquid biopsy, Cancer diagnostics/prognostics, Surface engineering
seungpyo.hong@wisc.edu, (608) 890-0699

Jiamian Hu - Faculty

Associate Professor

jhu238@wisc.edu, (608) 262-6009

Yu Hen Hu - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Sciences

Design and implementation of signal processing algorithms, Computer aided design and physical design of VLSI,, Applications of pattern classification and machine learning algorithms to signal processing, Image and video signal processing: 3D vision processing, multiview image and videos, , Wireless sensor network, internet of things and distributi...
yhhu@wisc.edu, (608) 262-6724

Quanyin Hu - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Drug delivery, Cell engineering, Cell therapy, Immunotherapy, Nanotechnology/Nanomedicine, Biomaterials, Material Sciences
qhu66@wisc.edu, (608) 262-3814

Hao Huang - Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Aircraft Electrical Systems, Electrified Aircraft Propulsions, Power Electronics and Electric Machines, Additive Manufacturing Technologies for Aircraft Electromagnetic Components

Tsung-Wei (TW) Huang - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, Computer Sciences

My research group creates novel software systems to simplify the building of performance-critical applications, including computer-aided design, machine learning, and quantum computing. Our software systems have been used by thousands of people in both academia and industry (e.g., AMD Vivado, Nvidia GameWorks, ModuleWorks, etc.).
tsung-wei.huang@wisc.edu, (512) 815-9195

Tzu Chuen Huang - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Astrodynamics, nonlinear and random vibrations, structural dynamics/modal analysis, wave propogration, fluid-structure interaction

George Huber - Faculty

Richard L. Antoine Professor

Biofuels and Biochemicals, Heterogeneous Catalysis, Pyrolysis, Plastic Recycling, Biodegradable Polymers
gwhuber@wisc.edu, (608) 263-0346

Kathryn Huibregtse - Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Wastewater treatment, landfill cover design, site and groundwater assessments, Brownfield site clean-ups, and sediment assessment and remidiation.

Derek Hungness - Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Travel demand forecast model application and improvement, Sustainable mobility systems
djhungness@wisc.edu, (608) 630-0667

James Hurley - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Chemistry and Technology, Freshwater and Marine Sciences

Chemical limnology, mercury in the environment, natural organic matter, nutrient cycling in lakes and rivers, Great Lakes research, bioaccumulation of toxic contaminants, chemical interactions at the sediment-water interfac
jphurley@wisc.edu, (608) 262-0905

Anna Huttenlocher - Faculty

MD, Professor

Huttenlocher’s research focuses on understanding inflammation and its resolution. Her lab investigates how external cues and cell signaling networks regulate immune cell migration during tissue damage and repair and how this is altered in human disease. The Huttenlocher laboratory uses live imaging to visualize and manipulate leukocyte motility i...
huttenlocher@wisc.edu, (608) 265-4642