Faculty/Staff Directory Index

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Alphabetic Faculty Profiles

Sean B. Fain - Faculty

Associate Professor

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), fast MRI, quantitative imaging, functional lung imaging, perfusion imaging and transplant viability.
sfain@wisc.edu, (608) 263-0090

Patrick Farrell - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Fluid mechanics, optical diagnostics, combustion, heat transfer

Kassem Fawaz - Faculty

Associate Chair for Research, Grainger Institute for Engineering Associate Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Sciences

With the rise of smart and connected systems, our everyday devices and platforms are becoming more intelligent, connected, and autonomous. These systems accept inputs from a plethora of sensors, process our personal data, and make decisions that affect our physical spaces. As these systems touch different aspects of our lives, they, ...
kfawaz@wisc.edu, (608) 890-0529

Elizabeth Felton - Faculty

MD, Assistant Professor

Relationship between the menstrual cycle, seizures, and ketosis in women on dietary treatment for epilepsy, Developing methods to use quantitative EEG, neuroimaging, and neuropsychological testing to better understand how dietary treatment works, which patients would benefit most from it, and if there are benefits to dietary treatment that go beyond se...
felton@neurology.wisc.edu, (608) 263-0755

Dawei Feng - Faculty

Y. Austin Chang Assistant Professor

Michael Ferris - Faculty


Industrial and Systems Engineering, Computer Sciences

Mathematical programming, modeling and applications of operations research, complementarity problems, radiation therapy planning, numerical algorithms
ferris@cs.wisc.edu, 6082624281OR2621204

Aaron S. Field - Faculty

MD, Professor

MR tracking of myelination following glial cell transplantation, Quantitative magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of white matter disease, including diffusion tensor imaging, Research at the UW
afield@uwhealth.org, (608) 263-7952

Mark P. Finster - Faculty

Associate Professor

mfinster@bus.wisc.edu, (608) 262-1998

Patrick Flannery - Faculty

Associate Teaching Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering, WEMPEC

Medium voltage power electronics, wind turbine generator dynamics and control, grid connection standards, MW class power electronics.
psflannery@wisc.edu, (608) 438-8355

Raymond J. Fonck - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Plasma & fusion science and technology, plasma turbulence, burning plasmas, tokamaks, alternative fusion schemes, atomic physics and applied optics, high temperature plasma diagnostics
rjfonck@wisc.edu, (608) 263-7799

Cary Forest - Faculty


Kamran Forghani - Faculty

Dr.-Ing. (PhD)

Chemical and Biological Engineering, College of Engineering, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Solid State Materials Synthesis and Characterization --> (Opto)Electronic/Photonic Materials and Devices -- Photovoltaics -- Nano-Structures and Low Dimensional Materials Formation -- 2D Layered Semiconductor Materials (Beyond Graphene)  -- Real Time In Situ Studies of Nano-Structures Formation
forghani AT wisc DOT edu,

David Foster - Faculty

Phil and Jean Myers Professor Emeritus

Thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, internal combustion engines, combustion kinetics, emission formation, optical diagnostics in engines
foster@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 263-1617

Christian Franck - Faculty

Bjorn Borgen Professor

Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Experimental mechanics including digital image and volume correlation methods and 3D microscopy techniques.  Soft matter and cell mechanics including cellular traumatic brain injury.   Development of new experimental techniques at the micro and nanoscale, Full-field imaging techniques for resolving finite ...
cfranck@wisc.edu, (608) 265-8481

Jennifer Franck - Faculty

Associate Professor

Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Computational fluid dynamics, unsteady fluid mechanics, turbulent flows, wind and tidal energy, aerodynamics, flow control, propulsion, fluid-structure interaction

Dante Fratta - Faculty

Associate Professor & Geological Engineering Program Director

Geological Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Geomaterial process evaluation using elastic and electromagnetic waves, Fundamental physical behavior of soils and rocks, Geophysical assessment of the on-shore and off-shore near surface, Distributed sensing using fiber optic measurements
fratta@wisc.edu, (608) 265-5644

Steven Fredette - Faculty

Associate Teaching Professor

Control of power electronics and electric machines.  I am currently not involved in research programs.
fredette@wisc.edu, (608) 263-2307

Frank Fronczak - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical equipment design, hydraulics, fluid power systems, machine design, product design, rehabilitative and assistive technology
fronczak@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 231-1660

Dennis G. Fryback - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Measuring population health, Measuring health outcomes, Bayesian statistics applied to uncertainty analysis in complex models, Cost-effectiveness evaluation in health care, Simulation modeling in health care systems
dfryback@wisc.edu , (608) 262-5997

Kate Fu - Faculty

Jay and Cynthia Ihlenfeld Associate Professor

CAE & Design, Innovation, Creativity, Design Theory and Methodology, Computational Design Tools, Design Science, Design Cognition, Design-by-Analogy, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
kate.fu@wisc.edu, (608) 890-2779