Faculty/Staff Directory Index

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Alphabetic Faculty Profiles

Susan Babcock - Faculty

Professor Emerita

Crystal defect microstructures, microstructure in films and engineered substrates of/for compound semiconductors, applications of electron microscopy and atom probe tomography in materials research ,  
babcock@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 263-5696

Eric Bach - Faculty

Professor (Affiliate)

bach@cs.wisc.edu, (608) 262-7997

Hussain Bahia - Faculty

Vilas Distinguished Professor

To view a list of publications and current research, please see UWMARC.org.
bahia@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 265-4481

Suman Banerjee - Faculty

Associate Professor (Affiliate)

Networking and Distributed Systems, protocols, algorithms and architectures of such systems, peer-to-peer systems, multicast services, network security, services for mobile and wireless networks and network measurements
suman@cs.wisc.edu, (608) 262-7387

William Banholzer - Faculty

Professor of Practice,, Honorary Fellow Chemistry Department,
Sr. Advisor Wisconsin Energy Institute

Chemical and Biological Engineering, College of Engineering, Chemical and Biological Engineering

My interest centers on the commercialization of technology.  For society to benefit from a discovery it must be commercialized, typically through a company.  There is a fundamental difference between technologies that are possible and those that are practical.  I enjoy research on materials  and process development with emphasis on ...
wbanholzer@wisc.edu, (608) 265-3413

B Ross Barmish - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

    Modelling of Financial Markets, Computational Finance, Algorithmic Trading Systems, Optimization and Convexity, Applied Probability, Computational Complexity, Robustness of Systems, Feedback Control Systems, Applied Mathematics, Uncertain Dynamical Systems

Randy Bartels - Faculty


Development of new biomedical imaging methods

Laura Bartol - Faculty

Associate Faculty Associate

John Beasley - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

William A. Beckman - Faculty

Ouweneel-Bascom Professor Emeritus

Solar energy applications, radiation heat transfer, systems analysis, computer simulation-solar processes, energy load calculation
wbeckman@wisc.edu, (608) 335-4401

Bryan Bednarz - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Monte Carlo method, Proton therapy, Radiation protection
bbednarz2@wisc.edu, (608) 262-5225

David Beebe - Faculty

John D. MacArthur Professor & Claude Bernard Professor

Microfluidics, Cell & Cancer biology, Global Health, Research at UW

Nader Behdad - Faculty

McFarland-Bascom Professor

My general area of research is in the Applied Electromagnetics area. Electromagnetic fields and waves have a wide range of applications in vastly different areas. These applications range from wireless communications and radar to medical imaging systems and therapeutics. Over the years, my team and I have explored some of these application areas. Curre...
behdad@wisc.edu, (608) 262-8804

Setareh Behroozi - Faculty

Assistant Teaching Professor

Embedded Systems, Approximate Computing, Internet-of-Things, Computer architecture, Computer-aided design

Craig Benson - Faculty

Wisconsin Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering

 geoenvironmental engineering,  solid waste engineering,  landfills and waste containment systems,  municipal solid waste,  mining waste,  hazardous waste,  radioactive waste,  lining systems and final covers, ...
chbenson@wisc.edu, (608) 444-0007

William D. Berg - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Traffic safety, traffic engineering, transportation systems analysis, highway engineering, cost-effective safety improvements
wdberg@charter.net, H6082734664B6082730640

Uwe Bergmann - Faculty


UBERGMANN@WISC.EDU, (650) 387-4135

Haile Berhe - Faculty

Dis. Researcher

hwberhe@wisc.edu, (608) 263-3196

Theodore Bernstein - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Arganthael Berson - Faculty

Assistant Teaching Professor

Multiphase flow and flow at interfaces; Evaporation driven self-assembly; Advanced flow diagnostic techniques (PIV, hot-wire anemometry, high-speed microscopy ...); Energy systems (fuel cells, thermoacoustics, waste-heat recovery ...); Advanced manufacturing processes (inkjet printing of functional materials)
berson2@wisc.edu, (608) 890-4646

Ed Bersu - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Paul M Berthouex - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

James Beyer - Faculty

Emeritus Professor

Aarushi Bhargava - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Acoustic cavitation, biomedical ultrasound, biomechanics, acoustic-structure interaction, programmable smart and soft materials, microdevices, tissue ablation, drug delivery

Michael Biehler - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Vicki Bier - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Industrial and Systems Engineering, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Security in the supply chains for food and agricultural products, critical infrastructure protection, security, technology hazards, risk analysis, decision analysis, operations research

R Byron Bird - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Transport phenomena, polymer fluid dynamics, polymer kinetic theory, rheology
rbbird@wisc.edu, (608) 262-5920

Joseph Bisognano - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Free Electron Lasers, Physics of particle beams, Accelerator physics, Theoretical analysis and simulation of collective phenomena in particle beams
jbisognano@src.wisc.edu, (608) 877-2163

James Blanchard - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, Interdisciplinary Professional Programs

Thermomechanical design for high heat fluxes, fusion technology, radiation damage, nuclear microbatteries

Vladimir Blasko - Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Power electronics, Airplane power systems, Electrical machines and regenerative AC drives, Alternative energy systems, Mathematical modeling and applied control theory and technology

William F. Bleam - Faculty


Research interests are the physical chemistry of organic and inorganic colloids in soils and sediments. Research relates primarily to humic chemistry (metal complexation, sorption of organics, microbial interactions) and sorption at mineral/water interfaces. Techniques involve a variety of physical methods: synchrotoron x-ray absorption spectrosc...
wfbleam@facstaff.wisc.edu, (608) 262-9956

Robert H. Blick - Faculty

Visiting Professor

Information processing in quantum and biofunctionalized circuits, Single electron, single spin circuits and devices, Electro-mechanical structures on the micro- and nanoscale (NEMS & MEMS)

Paul Block - Faculty

Associate Professor

- Methods, models, and tools for managing climate variability and change- Hydrologic forecasting and integration into decision models- Addressing water quality and quantity extremes- Hydro-economics and policy mechanisms- Risk, reliability, and uncertainty- Sustainable approaches
paul.block@wisc.edu, (608) 263-8792

Walter Block - Faculty


Biomedical Engineering, Radiology

Magnetic resonance (MR) interventional procedures, MR image-guided drug delivery , MR contrast mechanisms, signal and image processing, Research at UW
wfblock@wisc.edu, (608) 265-9686

Hannah Blum - Faculty

Alain H. Peyrot Associate Professor

Research in the areas of:Infrastructure Resilience to Changing Climates, Advanced Visualization and Extended Reality in Structural Engineering, Next Generation Structural Design, with a specific focus on:

    Steel Structures, Cold-formed Steel Structures, Stainless-Steel Structures, Steel Deck and Steel Joist Syste...
    hannah.blum@wisc.edu, (608) 263-9292

John G. Bollinger - Faculty

John Bascom Professor Emeritus

Industrial and Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Dynamic behavior of machine tool drive systems
Position control for automatic welding
Noise generation/noise control in product design
Machine tool structure control dynamics
Dynamic loads in gears
Environmental noise control
Digital computer control of machines and processes
Mini-computer and micro-processor systems ...
jgbollinger@sbcglobal.net, (608) 233-5404

Riccardo Bonazza - Faculty

Associate Chair of Engineering Mechanics, Professor

Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Experimental fluid mechanics , impulsive, unsteady phenomena, shock tube applications, laser and X-ray imaging & measuring techniques
riccardo.bonazza@wisc.edu, (608) 265-2337

John Booske - Faculty

Keith and Jane Morgan Nosbusch Professor Emeritus in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Plasmas, metamaterials, metasurfaces and media that have a strong interaction with electromagnetic radiation, especially in the rf-to-microwave-to-terahertz frequency regimes. , electromagnetic field effects: how do pulsed electric fields affect biological cells? How do electric fields affect materials' chemistry or cell metabolism? How do microwa...
jhbooske@wisc.edu, (608) 890-0804

Nigel Boston - Faculty

Emeritus Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, Computer Sciences

Cryptography, Coding theory, Biometrics, Digital watermarking, Applications of algebra to EE, CS, and Math Dept.

Dan Botez - Faculty

Philip Dunham Reed Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

High-power, spatially coherent semiconductor lasers, Photonic Crystal semiconductor lasers for high coherent-power generation, Quantum Cascade lasers
botez@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 213-5483

Justin Boutilier - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Operations research, machine learning, data-driven optimization, global health, emergency response, disease management, mHealth technology, public sector applications
jboutilier@wisc.edu, (608) 263-0350

Glenn Bower - Faculty

Associate Teaching Professor

grbower@wisc.edu, (608) 576-3979

Barbara Bowers - Faculty

Associate Dean

bjbowers@wisc.edu, (608) 263-5189

George Box - Faculty


AJ Boydston - Faculty

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Materials Science and Engineering, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Additive manufacturing (3D printing), photoredox-catalyzed polymerizations, polymerizations in continuous flow, mechanochemistry

Christopher L. Brace - Faculty


Biomedical Engineering, Radiology, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Interventional OncologyThermal Ablation, Microwave Ablation Antenna Design, Image-Guided Therapy, , Simulation of Biophysical InteractionsMicrowave Heating, Heat Transport in Tissue, Antenna Optimization, , Bioelectromagnetics, Biomedical Imaging, clbrace@wisc.edu, (608) 262-4151

Victor Brar - Faculty

Assistant Professor of Physics

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, 2D materials, magnetic materials, optics, metasurfaces, thermal emission 
vbrar@wisc.edu, (608) 262-1139

Patricia Brennan - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

pfbrenna@wisc.edu, (608) 263-5251

Thomas Breunung - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Vibrations, Nonlinear dynamics, Stochastic systems, Data-driven methods, Computational and experimental dynamics, Strucural systems

Joshua Brockman - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Curt Bronkhorst - Faculty

Harvey D. Spangler Professor of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, Materials Science and Engineering

Theoretical/computational mechanics of materials, computational plasticity, multi-scale material modeling, damage mechanics, single crystal plasticity, dynamic material behavior, structural phase transformation.
cbronkhorst@wisc.edu, (608) 890-2586

James Bucklew - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Simulation of communication systems and networks, rare event simulation, digital and wireless communication systems

Elizabeth S. Burnside - Faculty


eburnside@uwhealth.org, (608) 265-2021