Faculty/Staff Directory Index

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Alphabetic Staff Profiles

Christina Ma - Staff

Student Services Coordinator - Accelerated MS Graduate Programs

Adam Malecek - Staff

Science Writer

Natasha Mallette - Staff

Assistant Faculty Associate

Chemical and Biological Engineering, College of Engineering

Biofilms, specifically biofilm tolerance to antimicrobial challenges for medical and industrial applications such as corrosion, sanitation, and resource management., Biological production of renewable chemicals and fuels., Discovery and characterization of novel organisms.,  
nmallette@wisc.edu, (608) 265-8171

Sorin Manolache - Staff

Assistant Scientist

More than 25 years of research (first 2 patents filled as an undergraduate student) have been dedicated to investigations of complex dynamic reactive plasma systems that lead to surface modifications of various substrates and polymers for advanced material, nanoparticles and nanostructured material syntheses, surface modification of nanoparticles, poly...
manolach@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 265-2944

Dennis Manthey - Staff

Department Administrator

manthey@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 263-1647

Steve Manthey - Staff

Print Tech

Engineering Mechanics, College of Engineering

Digital imaging, Photo editing, Vector art, 3-D Design, Animation
smanthey@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-5793

Raymond H. Marion - Staff

Instrumentation Specialist

marion@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-6725

Edward P. Marriott - Staff

Assistant Researcher

marriott@wisc.edu, (608) 263-6398

Carl J. Martin - Staff


cjmartin@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 265-3957

Jack Martin - Staff

Scientist I Honorary Associate

Claire Massey - Staff

Communications Specialist

Bonnie J. Massoth - Staff

Mailroom Assistant

bjmassoth@wisc.edu, (608) 263-1624

Dane Mattila - Staff

Academic Advisor

Student Services, Academic Affairs, College of Engineering, Student Services

dmattila@wisc.edu, (608) 265-5870

Helene E McDowell - Staff


Meghan McGarry Unks - Staff

Postdoctoral Researcher

mbmcgarry@wisc.edu, (608) 263-6974

George R Mckee - Staff

Senior Scientist

Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, College of Engineering

Turbulence and Transport in Magnetically Confined PlasmasFusion EnergyOptical Spectroscopy, Atomic Physics
george.mckee@wisc.edu, (858) 455-2419

Rosalind Mckennon - Staff

Administrative Assistant

rmckennon@wisc.edu, (608) 263-7890

Rosalind McKennon - Staff

Administrative Assistant II

rmckennon@wisc.edu, (608) 289-5129

Kyle McMillen - Staff

Grants and Contracts Specialist

kamcmillen@wisc.edu, (608) 890-1873

FIona McTavish - Staff


fmctavish@chess.wisc.edu, (608) 262-7852

Fiona M. McTavish - Staff

Research Program Manager

fmctavish@chess.wisc.edu, (608) 262-7852

Keeley Meier - Staff

Scholarship Officer

Academic Affairs, Academic Affairs, College of Engineering, Student Services

keeley.meier@wisc.edu, (608) 264-0392

Paul Meier - Staff

Scientist, Wisconsin Energy Institute, GLBRC Associate Scientist

pmeier@wisc.edu, (608) 262-4515

Renee Meiller - Staff

Director of communications

Jun Meng - Staff

Office Manager

Sam Million-Weaver - Staff

Science Writer

Christopher Mills - Staff

Systems Programmer

Jon Miner - Staff

College of Engineering Security Lead

jon.miner@wisc.edu, (608) 265-8227

Rigen Mo - Staff

Assistant Scientist

Peter Moala - Staff

Office Operations Associate

Reza Mohammad Hasany - Staff

Visiting scholar

Ronak R. Mohanty - Staff


Human-Computer Interaction, Multisensory Perception, Human-Centered Design, Sensorimotor Control, Extended Reality

Sharon Moll-Brennan - Staff

Payroll and Benefits Specialist

Kelly Moran - Staff

Department Administrator

kelly.moran@wisc.edu, (608) 890-1876

Missy Moreau - Staff

Academic Advisor

Academic Affairs, Student Services, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering

moreau2@wisc.edu, (608) 265-9585

Tiago A. Moreira - Staff

Scientist I

High-temperature thermal hydraulics; Two-phase flows; liquid metal heat pipes; Advanced power generation systems; Advanced high-temperature heat exchangers; Molten salts; Liquid sodium
tmoreira@wisc.edu, (608) 982-4878

Baptiste Mouginot - Staff

Assistant Scientist

mouginot@wisc.edu, (608) 263-5646