Faculty/Staff Directory Index

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Alphabetic Faculty Profiles

Robert G. Radwin - Faculty

Duane H. and Dorothy M. Bluemke Professor

Industrial and Systems Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Occupational ergonomics and biomechanics, Ergonomics design of manually operated products, hand tools and equipment, Measurements and methods for assessing exposure to physical stress in the workplace, Causes and prevention of work related musculoskeletal injuries, Quantifying functional deficits associated with musculosk...
rradwin@wisc.edu, (608) 263-6596

Kenneth Ragland - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Fluid dynamics, combustion processes, bioenergy, air pollution control
ragland@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 263-3231

John Raksany - Faculty

Faculty Emeritus

Interdisciplinary Professional Programs, College of Engineering

Electrical power, electrical design, power systems planning, power systems reliability analysis methods, power systems maintenance, power system protection and control

Vatsan Raman - Faculty

Associate Professor

Systems and synthetic biology, protein design, biosensors, synthetic bacteriophages, high-throughput functional assays, sequence-function landscapes
sraman4@wisc.edu, (608) 890-1036

Parameswaran (Parmesh) Ramanathan - Faculty

Professor and Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor - On sabbatical leave fall semester 2024

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Sciences

Wireless and Wireline Networks, Mobile Computing, Real-time Systems, Fault-tolerant Computing, Parallel Processing, Distributed Systems
parmesh.ramanathan@wisc.edu, (608) 263-0557

Edmond Ramly - Faculty

Assistant Professor

ramly@wisc.edu, (608) 698-4656

Bin Ran - Faculty

Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor

Connected and Automated Vehicle & Highway (CAVH):New Generations of Traffic Models & Highway Capacity Manual for CAVH Level 1-4, New Generations of Highway Design and Operations Guide for CAVH Level 1-4, Automated Highway System Technology Development, 3D GIS-T Applications for Connected and Automated Vehicle & Highway, Intelligent Transpor...
bran@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-0052

Franklin Rath - Faculty

Faculty Emeritus

Interdisciplinary Professional Programs, College of Engineering

Manufacturing and industrial engineering, ergonomics, lead-time reduction, quality systems, design through manufacture, failure mode and effects analysis, quality function deployment

Amish N. Raval - Faculty

MD, Professor

In addition to being the UW Director of Clinical Cardiovascular Research, Dr. Raval’s translational research focus is development and therapeutic delivery of biologic agents, including stem cells and scaffolds for cardiac and vascular disease.  He has numerous peer-reviewed publications and patents in this field.  He is the principal in...
anr@medicine.wisc.edu, (608) 263-0836

James B. Rawlings - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Chemical process control, nonlinear model predictive control., State estimation and monitoring., Chemical reaction engineering., Virus modeling and stochastic chemical kinetics
james.rawlings@wisc.edu, (608) 263-5859

W. Harmon Ray - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Polymerization processes, process optimization, dynamics and control, chemical reactor engineering
whray@wisc.edu, (608) 263-4732

William G. Reddan - Faculty

Associate Professor Emeritus

Itercollegiate athletics, ergonomics, stress, pulmonary physiology, work environ, aging

Jennifer Reed - Faculty

Karen and William Monfre Professor; Harvey D. Spangler Faculty Scholar

Chemical and Biological Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Systems biology, Metabolic model development & analysis, Metabolic engineering, Biofuels, bioremediation, & biotechnology
jennifer.reed@wisc.edu, (608) 262-0188

Jess Reed - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Scott B. Reeder - Faculty

MD, Professor

Research interests are in the areas of cardiovascular and abdominal MRI, particularly in the development of rapid and quantitative imaging techniques, including rapid cardiac imaging methods, and novel fat-water separation techniques. More recent areas of interest include molecular imaging and MRI.sreeder@wisc.edu, (608) 265-9964

Douglas T. Reindl - Faculty


Mechanical Engineering, Interdisciplinary Professional Programs

Industrial refrigeration systems and technologies, safety and process safety management, renewable energy, advanced thermal storage technologies, thermal systems, HVAC systems
dreindl@wisc.edu, (608) 262-6381

Rolf Reitz - Faculty

Wisconsin Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Combustion, gas dynamics, sprays-motion & formation, hydrocarbon kinetics, engine fluid dynamics, computer modeling
reitz@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-0145

Christy Remucal - Faculty


Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Chemistry and Technology, Freshwater and Marine Sciences

Dr. Remucal’s Aquatic Chemistry research group works in two major areas. First, we investigate the transformation of polar organic contaminants in both natural and engineering aquatic systems. Contaminants of interests include aquatic pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). We are interested in photochemical r...
remucal@wisc.edu, (608) 262-1820

Amanda Renz - Faculty

Director of Learning Design and Technology

Interdisciplinary Professional Programs, College of Engineering

Online teaching and learning Faculty developmentLeadershipAgile project managment 

Steven Reusser - Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Daniel Rhodes - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Materials Science and Engineering, Physics

Single Crystal Synthesis, Superconductivity, 2-D Materials, Topological Materials (Dirac, Weyl, HOTI), Defect Kinetics

James Rink - Faculty

Program Director,
Manufacturing — Center for Quick Response Manufacturing & Master of Engineering: Manufacturing Systems Engineering (MSE)

Interdisciplinary Professional Programs, Center for Quick Response Manufacturing, College of Engineering, Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Leadership Development and Coaching, Manufacturing Competitiveness and Global Industry Trends, Economic Development and Sustainable Growth, Workforce Development and Skills Enhancement, Operational Excellence and Lean Manufacturing, Supply Chain Optimization and Global Network Design, Sustainable Manufacturing Practices and Circular Economy, Energy Eff...
jrink@wisc.edu, (608) 890-2015

Line Roald - Faculty

Associate Professor, Grainger Institute Fellow

Modelling, optimization and control of the electric grid and the infrastructures that depend on it., Integration of renewable energy to reduce carbon emissions., Grid resilience to climate change-driven extreme events, with a focus on wildfire risk mitigation., Stochastic optimization, risk analysis and data-driven methods.
roald@wisc.edu, (608) 265-7815

JoAnne Robbins - Faculty


jrobbin2@wisc.edu, (608) 280-7000

James Robinson - Faculty

Senior Scientist

Stephen M. Robinson - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Industrial and Systems Engineering, Computer Sciences

Variational analysis and optimization, Quantitative methods in managerial economics, Methods to support decision under uncertainty
smrobins@wisc.edu, (608) 263-6862

Eric Roden - Faculty


Research interests include Biogeochemistry of aquatic environments, emphasizing in siturates of and controls on microbial metabolism in anaerobic soils and sediments; role of anaerobic microbial processes in geochemical cycling and energy flow in sedimentary systems; physiology and ecology of anaerobic respiratory bacteria; influence of anaerobic...
eroden@geology.wisc.edu, (608) 890-0724

Lennon Rodgers - Faculty

Director of the Grainger Engineering Design Innovation Labs, Associate Teaching Professor

Jose Israel Rodriguez - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Algebraic Statistics, Applied algebraic geometry, Numerical nonlinear algebra

Jeffrey Roessler - Faculty

Lecturer Emeritus

Distance Education, Computer-Aided-Design, Engineering Graphics
roessler@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-4815

Jeremy Rogers - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Biophotonics, Microscopy, Spectroscopy, Optical design and instrumentation, Computational simulation and Monte Carlo ray tracing, Theoretical models of light scattering in tissue
jdrogers5@wisc.edu, (608) 262-8357

Kevin Rogers - Faculty

Faculty Associate / Program Director

Karl Rohe - Faculty

Associate Professor

Social network analysis, data science

Alejandro Roldan-alzate - Faculty

Mead Witter Associate Professor

Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Cardiovascular fluid dynamics, Medical imaging based computational fluid dynamics, Patient specific in vitro experiments, Patient specific virtual surgery, In vivo and In vitro 4D flow MRI, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)
roldan@wisc.edu, (608) 265-3696

Philip Romero - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Protein engineering, synthetic biology, computational biology, machine learning, high-throughput technology
promero2@wisc.edu, (608) 262-5943

Thatcher Root - Faculty

Kreuz-Bascom Professor

Chemical and Biological Engineering, Environmental Chemistry and Technology

Reaction engineering for sustainability, renewable feedstocks , reactor design for novel conditions, catalysis, diffusion in porous media, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Howard Rosen, PhD - Faculty

Faculty Emeritus

Interdisciplinary Professional Programs, College of Engineering

Public works infrastructure, municipal engineering, stormwater hyraulics, docks and marinas, building code, transportation research and history
hrosen@wisc.edu, (608) 262-4341

Ari Rosenberg - Faculty

Assistant Professor

The Rosenberg lab explores the following questions and problems:3D Vision: How do we perceive the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the world when our eyes only sense 2D projections like a movie on a screen?, Multisensory Integration: Our visual system first encodes the environment in egocentric coordinates defined by our eyes. Such representations a...
ari.rosenberg@wisc.edu, (608) 265-5782

Paul Ross - Faculty

Faculty Associate

Technical communication
pross@epd.engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-5171

Josh Roth - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Research in the lab utilizes a combination of experimental and computational methodologies and falls under three primary themes: ​     1. Transform the planning of personalized treatments for musculoskeletal injuries and diseases     2. Develop innovative technologies to strengthen intraoperative and diagnostic deci...

David A. Rothamer - Faculty

Robert Lorenz Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Associate Dean for Research

Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Laser based diagnostics, Internal combustion engines, Soot formation, Influence of fuel properties on combustion
rothamer@wisc.edu, 608.890.2271

Robert Rowlands - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Laser applications to mechanics, composite and advanced materials, digital image analysis, structural mechanics, experimental mechanics and stress analysis
rowlands@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-3205

Jinia Roy - Faculty

Thomas A. Lipo Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering, WEMPEC

Wideband gap based power converters for pulsed power, renewable, and EV applications - analysis, simulation, and experiemental validation.

Dale F. Rudd - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

After retirement in 1994 Sandy and I moved to Seattle. Our home has a wide view of Puget Sound and the snow-capped mountains of Olympic National Park. Our children Karen and David both live within walking distance. The Pacific Northwest is great.
daleandsandy@yahoo.com, (206) 923-0359

Shiva Rudraraju - Faculty

Associate Professor
Grainger Institute for Engineering Faculty Scholar

Computational Mechanics, Multiphysics (Mechanics and Transport), Biophysics, Finite Element Method, IGA, High performance computing. 

Stephan Rudykh - Faculty

Assistant Professor
Grainger Institute for Engineering Faculty Scholar

Mechanics of soft materials, elastic instabilities, micromechanics, 3D-printing of soft materials, soft biological and bio-inspired materials, acoustic/elastic metamaterials, waves in soft matter, active materials
rudykh@wisc.edu, (608) 262-8193

Jeffrey Russell - Faculty


russell@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-5821

Thomas Rutherford - Faculty


Energy markets, climate policy, international trade, technical change and computational economics

Christopher Rutland - Faculty

Phil and Jean Myers Professor Emeritus

Computational fluid dynamics, turbulence, combustion, and spray modeling for IC engines, turbulent reacting flows, large eddy simulation, IC engine aftertreatment modeling
rutland@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-5853

Gary F Rylander - Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Not involved in conducting research, but interested in applying research in Transportation Engineering, Traffic Operations, Safety and Management, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
grylander@wisc.edu, (612) 747-2723

Mark Rzchowski - Faculty

Associate Professor