Faculty/Staff Directory Index

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Alphabetic Faculty Profiles

Daniel C. Kammer - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, Mechanical Engineering

    system identification and damage detection, structural dynamics and vibration, uncertainty quantification and propagation, substructuring of systems, experimental substructuring, nonlinear systems

Paul Kantor - Faculty

Honorary Associate / Fellow

Homeland Security; Information Retrieval; Mathematical Modeling; Qualantative Research Methods and Qualantactics
pkantor@wisc.edu, (732) 322-8412

John Kao - Faculty

Vilas Distinguished Professor

Dr. Kao’s overall research goal focuses on elucidating the dynamic interaction amongst the host, biomimetic biomaterial constructs, and therapeutic entities in the promotion of host response and healing. Project highlights include:Discovery to development leading to a first-in-human clinical study of in situ photopolymerized semi...
Wjkao@wisc.edu, (608) 263-2998

Mikhail Kats - Faculty

Jack St. Clair Kilby Professor and Antoine-Bascom Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics, Materials Science and Engineering

Optics and photonics; plasmonics; optoelectronics; light harvesting; device physics; nanoscale science. For detailed information please see my Extended Homepage (http://katsgroup.ece.wisc.edu/)
mkats@wisc.edu, (608) 890-3984

Lisa Kaufman - Faculty

Office and Events Manager

Jason Kawasaki - Faculty

Associate Professor

Materials Science and Engineering, Physics

Heteroepitaxy of novel materials, Heusler compounds, magnetism, topological states, shape memory alloys, surfaces and interfaces, MBE, STM, ARPES

jkawasaki@wisc.edu, (608) 262-3233

Eric Kazyak - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Energy and Sustainability, Batteries/energy storage, Electrochemistry, Operando and In situ characterization, Interfacial engineering, Atomic layer deposition, Earth-abundant materials, Solar Fuels
kazyak@wisc.edu, (608) 265-2580

Kirk John Keller - Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Sheena Kerr - Faculty

Research Assistant Professor

skerr2@wisc.edu, (608) 890-2273

Ralph W. Kiefer - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Photographic interpretation, remote sensing, land use suitability evaluation, image interpretatio
rkiefer@macc.wisc.edu, (608) 262-1604

Nam Sung Kim - Faculty

Associate Professor

Technology, circuit, and architecture co-design for variation-tolerant, low-power computing systems including general/special-purpose multi/many-core processors, Biomimetic and neuromorphic computing systems, Reliable, process-variation tolerant, and low-power computer architecture and VLSI system design

Susan King - Faculty

Honorary Associate

Fred Klancnik - Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Occasional Instructor for the Waterfront Planning and Engineering course; guest lecturer for the Coastal Engineering course; mentor for the Senior Capstone Design Course teams of civil engineering students designing water-related projects.  Interested in advancing the collaboration of Civil and Environmental Engineering students with students from...
fklancnik@tds.net, (608) 445-2999

Sanford Klein - Faculty

Ouweneel-Bascom Professor Emeritus

Solar energy applications, thermodynamics, heat transfer, conservation, simulation methods, educational software, sorption processes
klein@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 263-5626

Daniel J. Klingenberg - Faculty


Chemical and Biological Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Colloid science, Complex fluids, Suspension rheology
dan.klingenberg@wisc.edu, (608) 262-8932

Irena Knezevic - Faculty

Associate Chair for Academic Affairs,
Patricia and Michael Splinter Professor and Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics, Materials Science and Engineering

Quantum and semiclassical electronic transport in semiconductor nanostructures, Heat transport at the nanoscale. Nanostructured thermoelectrics, Decoherence and relaxation in nanostructures; transient and high-frequency phenomena, Multiphysics simulation (self-consistent coupling of electronic+electromagnetic+thermal phenomena), Nanophotonics, nanoplas...
irena.knezevic@wisc.edu, (608) 890-3383

Sage Kokjohn - Faculty

Phil and Jean Myers Professor

High efficiency energy conversion, Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, Turbulent combustion modelling
kokjohn@wisc.edu, (608) 263-1610

Shimon Kolkowitz - Faculty

Assistant Professor

kolkowitz@wisc.edu, (608) 262-2865

Sindo Kou - Faculty


Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

My research work has been on understanding and controlling cracking, segregation, microstructure and transport phenomena during welding, casting and crystal growth. Examples of my current interests in welding include:Solidification cracking in welds: Cracking can occur during solidification of welds, e.g., Al alloys, stainless steels, Ni-base alloys. A...
kou@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-0576

Joe Krachey - Faculty

Teaching Faculty

Embedded Systems Design I am not currently involved in research.
jkrachey@wisc.edu, (608) 265-9007

Pamela Kreeger - Faculty

Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor

Systems biology, tissue engineered models of cell-ECM/cell-cell interactions, ovarian cancer, wound healingResearch at UW
kreeger@wisc.edu, (608) 890-2915

Siddarth Krishna - Faculty

Duane and Dorothy Bluemke Assistant Professor

Chemical and Biological Engineering, College of Engineering

Catalytic technologies that accelerate desired chemical transformations will play a central role in addressing urgent sustainability challenges of the 21st century, such as producing fuels and chemicals from renewable carbon sources with lower CO2 footprint, and mitigating emissions that harm hu...

Ananth Krishnamurthy - Faculty


Industrial and Systems Engineering, College of Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering

Ananth Krishnamurthy is Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research targets the development and application of performance modeling techniques in the design and analysis of manufacturing systems and supply chains. Topics of interest include production inventory systems, assembly...
ananth.krishnamurthy@wisc.edu, (608) 890-2236

Bhuvana Krishnaswamy - Faculty

Charles Ringrose Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Wireless Networks, Low-Power Wireless Systems, Internet-of-Things, Biological Networks
bhuvana@ece.wisc.edu, (608) 265-7849

Tom Krupenkin (currently on leave) - Faculty

Associate Professor

Nanotechnology, Micro and nano-fluidics, Renewable energy

Xiao Kuang - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Smart Polymer Composites | Biomaterials | Advanced (De)manufacturing | Ultrasound Technology | Synthesis-Process-Structure-Property | Sustainability | Minimally Invasive Medicine

xkuang9@wisc.edu, (608) 890-2548

Sebastian Kube - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Autonomous materials discovery, Refractory alloys for extreme environments, Glass forming ability and structure of metallic liquids, Rapid solidification processing, Lab automation for high-throughput experiments
sebastian.kube@wisc.edu, (608) 890-1979

Jan C. Kucher - Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Municipal solid waste and source separated organics, anaerobic digestion, sustainability, renewable energy, surface and groundwater supplies, and conservation of natural resources. 

Thomas F. Kuech - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Chemical and Biological Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Solid-state materials synthesis and characterization, electronic and semiconductor materials, solar energy and photovoltaics, oxide materials, nanostructure formation
tfkuech@wisc.edu, (608) 263-2922

Gerald Kulcinski - Faculty

Grainger Professor of Nuclear Engineering-Emeritus, Director, Fusion Technology In

Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, Materials Science and Engineering

Magnetic/inertial fusion reactor systems studies, Radiation damage and nuclear materials, Near term applications of fusion energy, Lunar mining of helium-3
glkulcin@wisc.edu, (608) 263-1601

Thomas P. Kunes - Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Industrial environmental and safety risk management and process improvement; compliance assurance, quality and EHS management systems; and sustainability.

King-Jau Samuel Kung - Faculty


Soil physics, contamination of groundwate
kung@calshp.cals.wisc.edu, (608) 262-6530