Faculty/Staff Directory Index

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Alphabetic Faculty Profiles

Azadeh Davoodi - Faculty

Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies, Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering

Machine learning for better VLSI chip design, VLSI design and automation for better machine learning, IC-CAD for emerging nanotechnologies, Hardware security
adavoodi@wisc.edu, (608) 265-1145

Michael De Cicco - Faculty

Teaching Faculty II

mdecicco@wisc.edu, (608) 890-1975

David Dean - Faculty

Visiting Associate Professor

Regenerative Medicine: bone tissue engineering, biofabrication, melt electrowriting, chaotic printing, microvasculature, Skeletal Reconstruction Device: Stiffness-matched skeletal fixation, percutaneous (osseointegrated) prosthetic limb anchoring, robotic fixation bending, Virtual Surgical Planning: 3D simulation of surgery and design of personalized m...

Lee DeBaillie - Faculty

Program Director

Energy efficiency in buildingsBuilding energy modelingBuilding energy learning toolsClimate impact on energy consumptionDistrict and community energy systemsCogeneration
debaillie@wisc.edu, (608) 262-2329

Gregory A. DeCroix - Faculty


gdecroix@bus.wisc.edu, (608) 265-6083

Alberto Del Pia - Faculty

Associate Professor

Mathematical optimization, Discrete mathematics, Mathematics of data science
delpia@wisc.edu, (608) 316-4365

Paul DeLuca Jr. - Faculty


Christopher DeMarco - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Computational complexity in computer-aided control analysis, nonlinear dynamics, electric power system stability, control systems, power systems
demarco@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-5546

Jerome A. Dempsey - Faculty


Ankur Desai - Faculty


Surface-atmosphere interaction, carbon cycle, ecosystem ecology, boundary layer meteorology, regional fluxes, model data assimilation

Rahel Desalegne - Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Transportation planning and Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Traffic Safety, Intelligent Transportation Systems.

Jennifer Detlor - Faculty

Assistant Teaching Professor

Marvin F. Devries - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Metal-cutting processes, computer-integrated manufacturing, manufacturing systems
devries@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-2557

Calvin Dewitt - Faculty


Redox potentials at water/peat interface in wetland ponds, statistical techniques development for evaluation of negative skewness in ectotherm thermoregulation, microcomputer techniques for ecosystem modeling, evaluation of mitigation procedures for highway impacts on wetlands, hydrological factors in wetland formation, riverine wetland formation, wetl...

Stephanie Diem - Faculty

Assistant Professor

    Experimental plasma physics, Magnetically confined plasmas, Microwave heating and current drive, Electron Bernstein wave emission, heating and current drive, Understanding and controlling edge instabilities in plasmas 
    sjdiem@wisc.edu, (608) 263-1414

Donald Dietmeyer - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Ian Dobson - Faculty


Blackouts, oscillations, electric power system stability, bifurcations, cascading failure and risk analysis, nonlinear dynamics, self-organized criticality, complex systems
dobson@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-2661

Michael Doran - Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Water and Wastewater Engineering, Unit Processes, Process Modeling and Plant Engineering, Biological Wastewater and Wastewater Residuals Treatment and Stabilization, Water Quality Management and Policy Development, Wet Weather Wastewater Management, Sustainability and Sustainable Practices, Environmental Economics
mddoran@wisc.edu, (608) 334-4810

Charles Dorgan, PhD - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Energy management, manufacturing processes, laboratory design, heating and air conditioning, thermal storage energy, cogeneration, indoor air quality, productivity, refrigeration, building design

Leon Downing - Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Stark C. Draper - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Signal processing, communications, code design, biometrics, security, streaming media, estimation, information theory, queuing, networking
sdraper@ece.wisc.edu, (608) 890-1996

Kristofer Dressler - Faculty

Assistant Teaching Professor

Fluid Mechanics, Convective heat transfer, Drag Reduction, Wall shear measurents, Two-phase and annular flow, Waves and wave mechanics, Geophysical fluid mechanics
dressler@wisc.edu, (608) 265-2579

Rainer Dronzek - Faculty


Walter Drugan - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, Materials Science and Engineering

Continuum mechanics analyses of behavior of modern materials, nonlinear fracture mechanics of ductile materials (single- and poly-crystalline) and interfaces, nonlocal constitutive models of composite materials, dynamic fragmentation, nanoscale fracture, nanoscale shape-memory alloys, discontinuities and shock waves in solids, applied mathematics
drugan (AT) engr.wisc.edu,

Juliana Pacheco Duarte - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Safety analysisThermal-hydraulicsPost-critical heat fluxTwo-phase flow
pachecoduarte@wisc.edu, (608) 265-7955

Quentin Dudley - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Plant synthetic biology; metabolic engineering; cell-free systems; genome editing.     Synthetic biology endeavors to apply principles of abstraction, modularity, and standardization to engineer organisms for useful purposes. Plants are a “next frontier” for engineering biology with potential to play a key role in reshap...

Neil A. Duffie - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Robotics, computer control, manufacturing process automation, dynamics and robustness of production planning and control, distributed system control, manufacturing systems, manufacturing logistics, computer-integrated manufacturing

James A. Dumesic - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Kinetics and catalysis, surface and solid-state chemistry, in situ catalyst studies
jdumesic@wisc.edu, (608) 262-1095