Faculty/Staff Directory Index

Alphabetic Index:

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


Alphabetic Staff Profiles

Rembrandt Haft - Staff

Research Associate

rhaft@wisc.edu, (608) 265-8709

John P. Hagemann - Staff

Information Services, Technical Services Professional. Desktop Support for College Administration

hagemann@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 263-2785

Erica Hagen - Staff

Director of CEETE

Sara Hagen - Staff

Academic Planner and Data Analyst

Shannon Halkoski - Staff

Payroll and Benefits Specialist

shannon.halkoski@wisc.edu, (608) 263-5626

Sarah Hallas - Staff

Assistant Director of Student Engagement

Amanda Hammatt - Staff

Director, International Engineering Studies & Programs

ahammatt@wisc.edu, (608) 263-2191

Laurie Hammer - Staff

Payroll and Benefits Specialist-Advanced

Laurie.Hammer@wisc.edu, (608) 262-8367

Tony H. Hammond - Staff

UNIX Systems Administrator

hammonda@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 263-6577

Sara Haney - Staff

Research Technician

sghaney@wisc.edu, (608) 890-1446

David Hanke - Staff

Computer Support

support@ece.wisc.edu, (608) 262-0974

Sheri Hanley - Staff

University Services Program Associate

Caroline Hansen - Staff

Payroll and Benefits Specialist

crhansen3@wisc.edu, (608) 262-2554

Steven D. Hanson - Staff

Financial Program Supervisor

shanson@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-6818

Shanna Hargrove - Staff

Assistant Department Administrator

shanna.hargrove@wisc.edu, (608) 263-2149

Kim Harrington - Staff

Budget and Financial Analyst

Lisa Harrington - Staff

Payroll and Benefits Specialist

Daryl Harrison - Staff

Professional Development Project Manager

Kathryn Haubert - Staff

Sr Instrument Specialist

Anke Hawker-keuser - Staff

Graduate Advisor

Li He - Staff

Assistant Scientist

li.he@wisc.edu, (608) 890-3578

David Heinrich - Staff

Associate Director of Development

Kathleen Heinzen - Staff

Senior Student Services Coordinator

kathy.heinzen@wisc.edu, (608) 263-3138

Allison Henke - Staff

Administrative Assistant

ahenke3@wisc.edu, (608) 890-0323

Delight Hensler - Staff

Assistant Department Administrator

delight.hensler@wisc.edu, (608) 264-1481

Dawn Herrick - Staff

Research Administrator

dawn.herrick@wisc.edu, (608) 263-4980

Dadit Gunarwanto Hidayat - Staff

WiscAMP Director

dghidayat@wisc.edu, (608) 358-9439

Aaron Hiltner - Staff

Assistant Faculty Associate

Edward Hinson - Staff

Assistant Scientist

Sara Hladilek (she/her) - Staff

Senior Student Services Coordinator - Graduate Student Services

Jessica Hoffman - Staff

Assistant Instrumentation Innovator

Todd Hollister - Staff

Director of Development - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Alex Holloway - Staff

News manager/science writer

Felicia Homan - Staff

University Services Program Specialist

Strawberry Nectar
fhoman2@wisc.edu, (608) 262-2686

Talvick Hook - Staff

Financial Specialist

thook@wisc.edu, (608) 262-8367

Jiangtao Hu - Staff

Assistant Researcher