Faculty/Staff Directory Index

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Alphabetic Faculty Profiles

James A. Zagzebski - Faculty


Acoustic properties of tissues and ultrasonic contrast agents, quantitative ultrasound imaging and tissue characterization, flow visualization, medical image processing and texture analysis, objective performance testing of ultrasound equipment
jazagzeb@facstaff.wisc.edu, (608) 265-4929

William Zarnstorff - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Victor M. Zavala - Faculty

Baldovin-DaPra Professor

Chemical and Biological Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering

Control, Optimization, Data Science, Energy and Environmental Systems 

Gabriel Zayas-Cabán - Faculty

Associate Professor

Operations research, Markov decision processes, queueing, scheduling, causal inference, healthcare delivery, emergency medicine, care transitions
zayascaban@wisc.edu, (608) 999-0246

Thomas A. Zdeblick - Faculty


Comprehensive care of the spine patient, cervical spine, spinal trauma, spinal tumor
zdeblick@surgery.wisc.edu, (608) 263-3178

Joy B. Zedler - Faculty


Restoration ecology, wetland ecology, reestablishment of rare plants, interaction of native and exotic species, adaptive management
jbzedler@facstaff.wisc.edu, (608) 262-8629

Samuel L Zelinka - Faculty

Adjunct Faculty

Wood, wood-moisture relations, natural materials, corrosion,  thermodynamics, kinetics
slzelinka@wisc.edu, (608) 231-9277

Xinyu Zhang - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering

Wireless networking: 5G network architectures based on MIMO, 60 GHz, and visible-light;   Mobile computing: ubiquitous and wireless sensing systems for healthcare, mobile interaction, etc.

Yongfeng Zhang - Faculty

Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, Assistant Professor

Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, Materials Science and Engineering

Multiscale modeling and simulation:Nuclear fuels and materials , Defect thermodynamics and kinetics , Irradiation effect , Mechanical degradation , Cossion and stress corrosion cracking 
yzhang2446@wisc.edu, (608) 890-3779

Zhou Zhang - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Biological Systems Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Multi-source remote sensing data fusion (e.g. hyperspectral, LiDAR, RGB); Machine learning; UAV-based imaging platform developments; Digital Agriculture; Image-based plant phenotyping. 
zzhang347@wisc.edu, (608) 265-2575

Xinyu Zhao - Faculty

Jenni and Kyle Professor

The research in our laboratory focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate brain development, with the goal of developing better treatment for brain disorders.We use transgenic mice, human pluripotent stem cells patient-derived and CRISPR gene-edited stem cells, 3D forebrain organoids, and ex vivo ...
xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu, (608) 263-9906

Shiyu Zhou - Faculty

Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, David H. Gustafson Department Chair

Modeling and analysis of the variation propagation and other in-process sensing data in complex manufacturing processes., In-process quality and productivity improvement: diagnosis of complicated manufacturing processes using sensor fusion, feature extraction, and pattern recognition based on engineering field knowledge., Fast calibration and active co...
szhou@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-9534

Lei Zhou - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering, WEMPEC, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Precision mechatronics, Control engineering, Electric machine design and control, Robotic actuation, Precision machine design
lei.zhou@wisc.edu, (608) 262-9873

Zhenhua Zhu - Faculty

Mortenson Assistant Professor

    Data sensing and analysis , Digital modeling , Construction automation and robotics 
    zzhu286@wisc.edu, (608) 265-3228

David R. Zimmerman - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Health systems, health services research, evaluation of quality of long term care, outcome measurement, decision support systems, human resource management
davidz@chsra.wisc.edu, (608) 263-4875

Michael R. Zinn - Faculty

and Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies

Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Haptic interfaces and control, Robotic actuation technoloty and controls, Physical human-robot interaction design and control, Continuum and soft robotics, Minimally-invasive medical robotics, Manufacturing and process control, see REACH Lab Research Listing
mzinn@wisc.edu, (608) 263-2893

Lucas Zoet - Faculty

Associate Professor

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering

Glacial SeismicityLaboratory investigation of glacier sliding and ice deformationThe use of ground penetrating radar on glacial deposits and on glaciersGeospatial trends in glacial landformsThe history of the late-Wisconsin glaciation in midwestThe mechanics of glacial erosion