Faculty/Staff Directory Index

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Alphabetic Faculty Profiles

Paul Laeseke - Faculty


Max G. Lagally - Faculty

Erwin W. Mueller Professor and Bascom Professor of Surface Science

Nanoscale properties of surfaces, interfaces, thin films, and dimensionally confined structures, Atom-scale mechanisms of film growth: Group IV semiconductors, nano-strain engineering, silicon nanomembranes, relationship of nanostructure to localized electronic and optoelectronic properties, quantum dots, Development of advanced instrumentation for gro...
lagally@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 332-4581

Roderic Lakes - Faculty

Wisconsin Distinguished Professor

Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, Materials Science and Engineering

Novel materials including composites and cellular solids, Viscoelastic materials, Biomechanics and bio-materials, Experimental characterization of materials, Extreme physical properties
lakes@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 265-8697

David Larbalestier - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Science Program

Metallurgical manufacturing processes, solidification in casting/welding operations, ductile cast irons, struture morphology, aluminum casting alloys, refinement/modification, primary phase morphology, thermal analysis of solidification transformation, structure control in fusion processes

Robert Lasseter - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Distributed resources, Restructuring of electrical power system, Application of power electronics to utility systems, Simulation methods, Power electronic circuits and control, HVDC, SVC, FACTS and custom power applications
lasseter@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-0186

Hau Le - Faculty

MD, Assistant Professor

Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, University Staff Congress Elected Representative District 5

Our laboratory is developing organoid models of pediatric and adult solid cancers such as neuroblastoma, Wilms, and glioblastoma to recapitulate the disease in humans better. We then use these organoid models to test the effects of cold atmospheric plasma to improve outcomes and reduce morbidities. These simultaneous approaches will help both pediatric...
leh@surgery.wisc.edu, (608) 262-0466

Hau Le - Faculty

Assistant Professor of Surgery, Director of Pediatric Surgical Oncology,
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Kangwook Lee - Faculty

Dugald C. Jackson Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Sciences

Machine learning, deep learning, information theory and coding

John Lee - Faculty

Emerson Electric Quality & Productivity Professor

Cognitive engineering, Interface design, Trust in automation, Human adaptation to technology, Modeling human behavior
jdlee@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 890-3168

Fred Lee - Faculty

MD, Professor

Minimally invasive tumor ablation therapy, abdominal Imaging, abdominal Intervention, Research at the UW
ftlee@wisc.edu, (608) 263-0885

Bernard Lesieutre - Faculty


lesieutre@wisc.edu, (608) 890-1883

Laurent Lessard - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Sciences

Control theory, large scale/decentralized systems, nonlinear/robust control, optimization. For more detail about my research interests and current projects, see my personal website.
laurent.lessard@wisc.edu, (608) 890-2635

Chao Li - Faculty


Dan Li - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Ying Li - Faculty

Associate Professor

Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Mechanics of Materials, Polymer Physics, Soft Matter, Computational Mechanics, Computational Materials Science, Multiscale Modeling, Molecular Dynamics, Biomedical Systems, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
yli2562@wisc.edu, (608) 265-0577

Weiyu Li - Faculty

Alfred Fritz Assistant Professor

Theoretical and computational modeling in energy and related fields that advance sustainability, with key research areas including: Electrochemical systems, specializing in transport phenomena in high-energy-density batteries, including Li-metal, aqueous Zn, and all-solid-state batteries, as well as systems for...

Jingshan Li - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Modeling, analysis, design, control and continuous improvement of production and health care systems
jingshan@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 890-3780

Wan-ju Li - Faculty

Associate Professor

Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Stem cell-based regenerative medicine, Musculoskeletal tissue engineering, Mesenchymal stem cell biology, Research at UW  
li@ortho.wisc.edu, (608) 263-1338

David S. Liebl - Faculty

Faculty Emeritus

Climate change adaptation; Stormwater runoff management.

Edwin N. Lightfoot - Faculty

Hilldale Professor Emeritus

Separations processes, biological mass-transfer processes, mass-transport reaction modeling
edwin.lightfoot@wisc.edu, (608) 262-6934

William Likos - Faculty

Gary Wendt Professor

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering

Unsaturated soil mechanics, Expansive clay behavior and applications, Laboratory characterization of soil mechanical, hydraulic, and thermal behavior, Pore-scale imaging and analysis, Field monitoring and instrumentation, Beneficial reuse of recycled materials, industrial by-products
likos@wisc.edu, (608) 890-2662

Thomas Lillesand - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Environmental monitoring, remote sensing, natural resource management, high resolution satellite image processing, geographic information systems, large area land use mapping from space, transportation applications of remote sensing, national space policy,  

Jeffrey Linderoth - Faculty

Harvey D. Spangler Professor

Industrial and Systems Engineering, Computer Sciences

 High Performance and Grid Computing, Numerical Optimization: Integer programming and Stochastic programming
linderoth@wisc.edu, (608) 890-1931

Benjamin Lindley - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Design and analysis of advanced nuclear reactors, Reactor physics , Flexible operation of nuclear reactors: Integrated Energy Systems, cogeneration, load-following, advanced power conversion cycles, Market and economic context for advanced nuclear power, Fuel cycle analysis, Uncertainty quantification and reduced order modelling 

Mikko Lipasti - Faculty

Philip Dunham Reed Professor Emeritus

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Sciences

Projects include: reliable and power-efficient processors and systems, reverse-engineering the human neocortex, Electrical and Nanophotonic On-chip Interconnection Networks, Commercial Workload Development and Characterization                                     &...
mikko@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 265-2639

Kaibo Liu - Faculty

Grainger STAR Professor

System Informatics and Big Data Analytics, Data Fusion for Process Modeling, Monitoring, Diagnosis, Prognostics, and Decision Making, Statistical Learning, Machine Learning, and Data Mining, Statistical Process Control,  I am always looking for collaboration opportunities in multidisciplinary research with academic and ind...
kliu8@wisc.edu, (608) 890-3546

Fang Liu - Faculty

Assistant Professor

Materials Science and Engineering, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Materials and devices for energy storage and conversion, batteries, solid electrolytes, high-throughput experimentation, advanced material characterizations, CO2 capture and utilization, sustainability.   
fang.liu3@wisc.edu, (608) 265-6141

Steven P Loheide - Faculty


Civil and Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering, Freshwater and Marine Sciences

Hydroecology/ ecohydrology of ground water dependent ecosystems, hydrogeology, river restoration, remote sensing, hydrologic consequences of climate change, vegetative water use / vegetation patterning, sustainable land-use practices, stream-aquifer interactions, ecosystem function / services, human interaction with aquatic ecosystems, green infrastruc...
loheide@wisc.edu, (608) 265-5277

Whitney Loo - Faculty

Conway Assistant Professor

Polymers, soft materials, nanoscience, sustainability, energy storage

Edward G. Lovell - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Structural mechanics, stress analysis , pressure vessels, thermal stresses, micromechanical sensors, buckling, vibrations
lovell@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-0944

Birl Lowery - Faculty


blowery@wisc.edu, (608) 262-2752

Daniel Ludois - Faculty

Professor and H.I. Romnes Fellow

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Power electronics, Electric machines, Non-contact power transfer, Sustainable engineering technologies and practices, See Extended Homepage
ludois@wisc.edu, 262-8211

Kip Ludwig - Faculty

Associate Professor

Neural Interfaces, 1 and 2 Photon Microscopy, Neuromodulation Therapies, Electroceuticals, Bioelectronic Medicines, Autonomic Nervous System, Deep Brain Stimulation, Brain-Machine Interfaces, Brain-Computer Interfaces ...
kip.ludwig@wisc.edu, (608) 265-3544

Jim Luedtke - Faculty


Industrial and Systems Engineering, Computer Sciences

Stochastic optimization, especially optimization with risk constraints, Mixed integer optimization, linear and nonlinear, Applications of optimization
jim.luedtke@wisc.edu, (608) 890-2560

Vladimir J. Lumelsky - Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Pattern recognition, computer vision, Kinematics, dynamics, Control theory, industrial automation, Sensor-based intelligent systems, Human spatial reasoning, human-robot interaction, Navigation, localization, and positioning, Robotics
vjlumels at wisc.edu,

Christopher Luzzio - Faculty

Associate Professor

Mechanical Assistive DevicesHydrocephalus Shunt Valves
luzzio@neurology.wisc.edu, (608) 287-2093

David Lynn - Faculty

Duane H. and Dorothy M. Bluemke Professor and Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor

Chemical and Biological Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

    Polymers and soft materials, Surfaces and interfaces, Biomaterials and biotechnology, Gene and drug delivery, Synthesis and characterization, Controlled Release
    david.lynn@wisc.edu, (608) 262-1086