Department Chair

Profile Photo Thumb for Paul Wilson

Paul P.H. Wilson

Department Chair, Grainger Professor of Nuclear Engineering

Contact:, (608) 263-0807

Research interests: Monte Carlo methods, Nuclear fuel cycles, Energy policy, Proliferation analysis, Transmutation/depletion/activation

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Institute for Nuclear Energy Systems


Associate Chairs

Profile Photo Thumb for Adrien Couet

Adrien Couet

Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-7955

Also: Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Nuclear Materials, Irradiation Damage, Corrosion of Metals and Alloys, Oxidation Model, Electrochemistry, Synchrotron Radiation, Defect Transport in Oxides

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Carl Sovinec

Carl Sovinec

Associate Chair for Graduate Studies

Contact:, (608) 263-5525

Research interests: Computational plasma physics--magnetohydrodynamics--numerical methods for partial differential equations

Other affiliations: Physics



Profile Photo Thumb for Wendy Crone

Wendy Crone

Karen Thompson Medhi Professor

Contact:, (608) 262-8384

Also: Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Experimental mechanics of materials, characterization hydrogels and biomaterials, therapeutic medical devices, stem cell mechanics

Profile Photo Thumb for Stephanie Diem

Stephanie Diem

Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-1414

Research interests:

Profile Photo Thumb for Juliana Duarte

Juliana Pacheco Duarte

Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-7955

Research interests: Safety analysisThermal-hydraulicsPost-critical heat fluxTwo-phase flow

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Benedikt Geiger

Benedikt Geiger

Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 262-3386

Also: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research interests: Benedikt Geiger started his career at UW-Madison in February 2019 and is involved in the physics exploitation of the HSX stellarator experiment, as well as turbulence fluctuation measurements at the DIII-D and ...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Chris Hegna

Chris Hegna

Harvey D. Spangler Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-0810

Research interests: Theoretical plasma physics, fusion science, magnetic confinement of plasmas, magnetohydrodynamics

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Physics

Profile Photo Thumb for Charles Hirst

Charles Hirst

Assistant Professor


Research interests: Nuclear materials, Radiation damage, In situ experiments, Coupled extremes, Irradiation creep mechanisms, Gradient experiments, Thermal analysis, Defect recovery stages, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Store...

Profile Photo Thumb for Benjamin Lindley

Benjamin Lindley

Assistant Professor


Research interests: Design and analysis of advanced nuclear reactors, Reactor physics , Flexible operation of nuclear reactors: Integrated Energy Systems, cogeneration, load-following, advanced power conversion cycles, Market...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Oliver Schmitz

Oliver Schmitz


Contact:, (608) 265-3633

Research interests: Plasma Edge Physics, Plasma Wall Interaction, Three-Dimensional Plasma Edge Transport and Wall Interaction, Helicon Plasma Generation and Sustainment, Active Plasma and Neutral Spectroscopy, Plasma Sources and ...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Physics

Profile Photo Thumb for Kumar Sridharan

Kumar Sridharan

Grainger Professor,
Departments of Engineering Physics and Materials Science & Engineering; Fellow of: American Society for Materials; Institute of Materials (UK); American Nuclear Society

Contact:, (608) 263-4789

Also: Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Nuclear reactor materials research and development, Irradiation effects in materials, Corrosion of materials, High temperature materials, Physical metallurgy and mechanical behavior of materials, Ion implantati...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Manufacturing Systems Engineering Program

Profile Photo Thumb for Adelle Wright

Adelle Wright

Assistant Professor


Research interests: Magnetohydrodynamics, stellarators and fusion energy, high performance scientific computing, nonlinear and dynamical systems, policy and science diplomacy.

Profile Photo Thumb for Yongfeng Zhang

Yongfeng Zhang

Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 890-3779

Also: Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Multiscale modeling and simulation:Nuclear fuels and materials , Defect thermodynamics and kinetics , Irradiation effect , Mechanical degradation , Cossion and stress corrosion cracking ...


Affiliate Faculty

Profile Photo Thumb for Mark Anderson

Mark H. Anderson

Consolidated Papers Associate Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-2802

Also: Mechanical Engineering

Research interests: My research covers a wide breadth of fundamental physics and applications all relating to advanced energy utilization, energy extraction and energy production with the main focus on experimental thermal h...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Wisconsin Energy Institute

Profile Photo Thumb for Bryan Bednarz

Bryan Bednarz

Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 262-5225

Research interests: Monte Carlo method, Proton therapy, Radiation protection

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Medical Physics

Profile Photo Thumb for Riccardo Bonazza

Riccardo Bonazza

Associate Chair of Engineering Mechanics, Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-2337

Research interests: Experimental fluid mechanics , impulsive, unsteady phenomena, shock tube applications, laser and X-ray imaging & measuring techniques

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Nuclear Engineering

Profile Photo Thumb for Curt Bronkhorst

Curt A. Bronkhorst


Contact:, (608) 890-2586

Also: Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Theoretical/computational mechanics of materials, computational plasticity, multi-scale material modeling, damage mechanics, single crystal plasticity, dynamic material behavior, structural phase transformation...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Jennifer Choy

Jennifer Choy

Dugald C. Jackson Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-6974

Also: Physics, Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Quantum engineering; atomic and optical physics; nanophotonics; development and characterization of solid-state defects; quantum sensing using atoms and defects in solids; inertial navigation and timekeeping

Profile Photo Thumb for Jonathan Engle

Jonathan Engle

Assistant Professor


Other affiliations: Medical Physics, Radiology

Profile Photo Thumb for Cary Forest

Cary Forest


Profile Photo Thumb for Jennifer Franck

Jennifer Franck

Assistant Professor


Research interests: Computational fluid dynamics, unsteady fluid mechanics, turbulent flows, wind and tidal energy, aerodynamics, flow control, propulsion, fluid-structure interaction

Profile Photo Thumb for Shimon Kolkowitz

Shimon Kolkowitz

Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 262-2865

Other affiliations: Physics

Profile Photo Thumb for Roderic Lakes

Roderic Lakes

Wisconsin Distinguished Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-8697

Also: Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Novel materials including composites and cellular solids, Viscoelastic materials, Biomechanics and bio-materials, Experimental characterization of materials, Extreme physical properties

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Rheology Research Center

Profile Photo Thumb for Daniel Ludois

Daniel Ludois

Professor and H.I. Romnes Fellow

Contact:, 262-8211

Also: Mechanical Engineering

Research interests: Power electronics, Electric machines, Non-contact power transfer, Sustainable engineering technologies and practices, See Extended Homepage

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: WEMPEC

Profile Photo Thumb for Dane Morgan

Dane Morgan

Harvey D. Spangler Professor of Engineering

Contact:, (608) 265-5879

Also: College of Engineering

Research interests: Computational materials science for materials design, Ab initio electronic structure and multiscale methods for large time / length scales and thermokinetics, Ab initio based modeling of electrochemical systems...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Gregory Nellis

Gregory F. Nellis

William A. and Irene Ouweneel-Bascom Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-6626

Research interests: Please visit the Solar Energy Lab web page,, in order to learn more about the ongoing projects.

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Jacob Notbohm

Jacob Notbohm

Associate Professor

Contact:, (608) 890-0030

Also: Biomedical Engineering

Research interests: Solid mechanics | biomechanics | cell mechanics | biomaterials | collective cell migration | optical microscopy | adhesion

Profile Photo Thumb for John Pfotenhauer

John M. Pfotenhauer

Professor Emeritus

Contact:, (608) 263-4082

Research interests: Low temperature refrigeration, cryogenics, applied superconductivity

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Pavana Prabhakar

Pavana Prabhakar

Charles G. Salmon Associate Professor


Also: Mechanical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Damage and failure mechanics of architected composite materials; Advanced manufacturing of composite materials - additive manufacturing and composite fabrication; Design of durable and damage tolerant comp...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Ian Robertson

Ian Robertson

Professor and Dean of the College of Engineering

Profile Photo Thumb for Izabela Szlufarska

Izabela Szlufarska

Harvey D. Spangler Professor of Engineering and Department Chair

Contact:, (608) 262-1821

Research interests: Computational materials science, Mechanical behavior at the nanoscale, Defect behavior in semiconductors and insulators under irradiation, Solid/liquid interfaces, Nucleation and kinetics of medium range order ...

Profile Photo Thumb for Ramathasan Thevamaran

Ramathasan Thevamaran

Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 262-5724

Also: Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Mechanical behavior of structured materials | Dynamic properties | Hierarchical materials | Nanomaterials | Metamaterials | Wave propagation | Experimental techniques

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Dan Thoma

Dan J Thoma


Contact:, (608) 262-3751

Also: Mechanical Engineering

Research interests: Autonomous materials Research, Metal additive manufacturing, Alloy design and development, Advanced materials for energy applications, Phase transformations for functional materials, Thermal analysis and dilato...

Profile Photo Thumb for Fabian Waleffe

Fabian Waleffe


Contact:, (608) 263-3269

Research interests: Fluid dynamics, bifurcations and turbulence, scientific computing

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Mathematics and Computation in Engineering Graduate Program


Adjunct Professors

Profile Photo Thumb for Jan Coenen

Jan Willem Coenen

Adjunct Professor


Research interests: Materials Research for FusionRadiation Resistant Materials, High HeatFlux Materials, Tungsten Fibre reinforced Tungsten, Self-passivating alloys, Liquid Metal Walls for fusion, Wendelstein 7-XJ...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Scott Grutzik

Scott Grutzik

Adjunct Professor


Research interests: Solid mechanics, fracture mechanics, statistical strength methods, glassy materials, and viscoelasticity.

Profile Photo Thumb for Ken Petersen

Ken Petersen

Adjunct Professor

Profile Photo Thumb for Patrick Shriwise

Patrick Shriwise

Adjunct Professor


Research interests: Nuclear engineering, Computational geometry, Mesh-based geometry, Ray tracing, Particle transport, High-performance scientific computing, Applied mathematics

Profile Photo Thumb for Timothy Tautges

Timothy J. Tautges

Adjunct Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-8485

Courses: Click to see my courses


Teaching Faculty

Profile Photo Thumb for Laura Bartol

Laura Bartol

Associate Faculty Associate

Profile Photo Thumb for Scott Williams

Scott Williams

Assistant Faculty Associate


Emeritus Faculty

Profile Photo Thumb for Said Abdel-khalik

Said Abdel-Khalik

Professor Emeritus


Research interests: Reactor engineering, reactor safety, two phase flow, and thermal hydraulics

Profile Photo Thumb for Todd Allen

Todd Allen

Professor Emeritus


Also: Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Materials for nuclear energy system, fission reactors, nuclear fuels, energy policy, sustainability of nuclear energy

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Vicki Bier

Vicki Bier

Professor Emeritus


Research interests: Security in the supply chains for food and agricultural products, critical infrastructure protection, security, technology hazards, risk analysis, decision analysis, operations research

Other affiliations: Center for Human Performance and Risk Analysis

Profile Photo Thumb for Joseph Bisognano

Joseph Bisognano

Professor Emeritus

Contact:, (608) 877-2163

Research interests: Free Electron Lasers, Physics of particle beams, Accelerator physics, Theoretical analysis and simulation of collective phenomena in particle beams

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Synchrotron Radiation Center

Profile Photo Thumb for James Blanchard

James Blanchard

Professor Emeritus


Also: Interdisciplinary Professional Programs

Research interests: Thermomechanical design for high heat fluxes, fusion technology, radiation damage, nuclear microbatteries

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Institute for Nuclear Energy Systems

Profile Photo Thumb for James Callen

James Callen

Professor Emeritus

Contact:, (608) 262-1370

Research interests: Controlled thermonuclear fusion, theoretical and computational plasma physics, magnetic confinement of plasmas, nuclear fission

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Pegasus Plasma Experiment

Profile Photo Thumb for Richard Cashwell

Richard J. Cashwell

Emeritus Reactor Director

Contact:, (608) 262-3392

Research interests: Neutron activation analysis, nuclear reactor operations

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Nuclear Engineering, University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor

Profile Photo Thumb for John Conrad

John R. Conrad

Wisconsin Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Contact:, (608) 263-1609

Also: Materials Science Program

Research interests: Plasma physics, plasma technology, ion beam modification of materials, ion implantation

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Nuclear Engineering

Profile Photo Thumb for Robert Cook

Robert Cook

Professor Emeritus

Contact:, (608) 262-0958

Research interests: Finite element methods, structural mechanics, stress analys

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Michael Corradini

Michael Corradini

Wisconsin Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Contact:, (608) 263-1648

Research interests: Multi-phase fluid mechanics and heat transfer, fission and fusion reactors, nuclear reactor safety, severe accident phenomena, power plant operation and design, energy policy, nuclear fuel cycle

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Wisconsin Shock Tube

Profile Photo Thumb for Walter Drugan

Walter Drugan

Professor Emeritus

Contact: drugan (AT)

Also: Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Continuum mechanics analyses of behavior of modern materials, nonlinear fracture mechanics of ductile materials (single- and poly-crystalline) and interfaces, nonlocal constitutive models of composite materials...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Materials Research Science and Engineering Center

Profile Photo Thumb for Frederick Elder

Frederick Elder

Adjunct Professor Emeritus

Contact:, (608) 263-9328

Research interests: Mechanical systems, energy systems design

Profile Photo Thumb for Gilbert Emmert

Gilbert Emmert

Professor Emeritus


Research interests: Plasma physics, fusion reactor physics, plasma-surface interactions, plasma processing

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Nuclear Engineering

Profile Photo Thumb for Raymond Fonck

Raymond J. Fonck

Professor Emeritus

Contact:, (608) 263-7799

Research interests: Plasma & fusion science and technology, plasma turbulence, burning plasmas, tokamaks, alternative fusion schemes, atomic physics and applied optics, high temperature plasma diagnostics

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Pegasus Plasma Experiment

Profile Photo Thumb for Douglass Henderson

Douglass Henderson

Harvey D. Spangler Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-0808

Also: Biomedical Engineering

Research interests: Reactor physics, radiation transport, fusion reactor technology, nuclear waste

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Medical Physics

Profile Photo Thumb for Daniel Kammer

Daniel C. Kammer

Professor Emeritus


Also: Mechanical Engineering

Research interests:

    system identification and damage detection, structural dynamics and vibration, uncertainty quantification and propagation, substructuring of systems, experimental substructuri...

    Courses: Click to see my courses

    Other affiliations: Fusion Technology Institute

Profile Photo Thumb for Gerald Kulcinski

Gerald Kulcinski

Grainger Professor of Nuclear Engineering-Emeritus, Director, Fusion Technology In

Contact:, (608) 263-1601

Also: Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Magnetic/inertial fusion reactor systems studies, Radiation damage and nuclear materials, Near term applications of fusion energy, Lunar mining of helium-3

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Nuclear Engineering

Profile Photo Thumb for David Malkus

David Malkus

Professor Emeritus


Research interests: Applied mathematics, numerical methods in mechanics, rheology

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Rheology Research Center

Profile Photo Thumb for Gregory Moses

Gregory Moses

Spangler Professor Emeritus

Contact:, (608) 265-6567

Research interests: Nuclear reactor physics, computational engr., radiation hydrodynamics, technology enhanced learning, fusion reactor design

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Nuclear Engineering

Profile Photo Thumb for Michael Plesha

Michael Plesha

Professor Emeritus

Contact:, (608) 262-5741

Also: Geological Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Research interests: Finite element analysis, discrete element analysis, dynamics of geologic media, constitutive modeling of geologic discontinuity behavior, soil structure interaction modeling, continuum modeling of jointed satur...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Bela Sandor

Bela Sandor

Professor Emeritus

Contact:, (608) 255-4222

Research interests: Ancient chariots: comprehensive mechanics analysis and humanistic aspects, stress-strain in materials, fatigue and fracture of engineering materials, structures, joint systems, damage alleviation; fracture...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Engineering Mechanics

Profile Photo Thumb for Alois Schlack

Alois Schlack Jr.

Professor Emeritus


Research interests: Dynamics, vibrations, astrodynamic, dynamic stability analysis, rotating shaft-disc systems, elastic spacecraft dynamics

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Bruce Thomadsen

Bruce R. Thomadsen


Contact:, (608) 263-4183

Also: Industrial and Systems Engineering

Research interests: Brachytherapy Physics, Radiation Dosimetry, Patient Safety

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Medical Physics, Human Oncology, Center for Human Performance and Risk Analysis


Emeritus Research Professors

Profile Photo Thumb for Laila El-guebaly

Laila A. El-Guebaly

Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus

Profile Photo Thumb for John Santarius

John Santarius

Research Professor Emeritus

Contact:, (608) 263-1694

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Fusion Technology Institute

Profile Photo Thumb for Mohamed Sawan

Mohamed Sawan

Research Professor Emeritus

Contact:, (608) 263-5093

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Fusion Technology Institute