Department Chair

Profile Photo Thumb for Paul Campagnola

Paul J. Campagnola

Peter Tong Department Chair and Professor


Research interests: Biophotonics, tissue imaging, breast and ovarian cancer, connective tissue disorders, nanofabrication, cancer cell biology, tissue engineering, Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Medical Physics




Profile Photo Thumb for Randolph Ashton

Randolph Ashton

Associate Professor

Contact:, (608) 316-4312

Research interests: Neural tissue engineering, Vascular tissue engineering, Regenerative therapies for the central nervous system, Stem cell bioprocessing, Nanoscale biomaterials engineering, Engineering the stem cell-biomate...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Biotechnology Training Program, Molecular and Environmental Toxicology Center, Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery

Profile Photo Thumb for Randy Bartels

Randy Bartels



Research interests: Development of new biomedical imaging methods

Other affiliations: Morgridge Institute for Research

Profile Photo Thumb for David Beebe

David Beebe

John D. MacArthur Professor & Claude Bernard Professor


Research interests: Microfluidics, Cell & Cancer biology, Global Health, Research at UW

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: School of Medicine and Public Health, Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research

Profile Photo Thumb for Aarushi Bhargava

Aarushi Bhargava

Assistant Professor


Also: Mechanical Engineering

Research interests: Acoustic cavitation, biomedical ultrasound, biomechanics, acoustic-structure interaction, programmable smart and soft materials, microdevices, tissue ablation, drug delivery

Profile Photo Thumb for Walter Block

Walter Block


Contact:, (608) 265-9686

Also: Radiology

Research interests: Magnetic resonance (MR) interventional procedures, MR image-guided drug delivery , MR contrast mechanisms, signal and image processing, Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Christopher Brace

Christopher L. Brace


Contact:, (608) 262-4151

Also: Radiology, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research interests: Interventional OncologyThermal Ablation, Microwave Ablation Antenna Design, Image-Guided Therapy, , Simulation of Biophysical InteractionsMicrowave Heating, Heat Transport in Tissue, Antenna Optimization, , Bio...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Medical Physics

Profile Photo Thumb for Joshua Brockman

Joshua Brockman

Assistant Professor

Profile Photo Thumb for David Dean

David Dean

Visiting Associate Professor


Research interests: Regenerative Medicine: bone tissue engineering, biofabrication, melt electrowriting, chaotic printing, microvasculature, Skeletal Reconstruction Device: Stiffness-matched skeletal fixation, percutaneous (osseoi...

Profile Photo Thumb for Kevin Eliceiri

Kevin Eliceiri

RRF Walter H. Helmerich Professor

Contact:, (608) 658-4026

Research interests: Biophotonics, Biomedical Optics, Optical Instrumentation, Cancer imaging, Live Cell Imaging, Image Informatics, Image Analysis, Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Wisconsin Institute for Discovery

Profile Photo Thumb for Aviad Hai

Aviad Hai

Vilas Early Career Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 890-3411

Also: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research interests: Neural engineering, Neuroscience, Neuroimaging, Nanoelectronics & Nanofabrication, Brain Machine Interfaces, Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Grainger Institute for Engineering

Profile Photo Thumb for Wan-ju Li

Wan-ju Li

Associate Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-1338

Also: Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Stem cell-based regenerative medicine, Musculoskeletal tissue engineering, Mesenchymal stem cell biology, Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Orthopedics and Rehabilitation

Profile Photo Thumb for Kip Ludwig

Kip Ludwig

Associate Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-3544

Research interests: Neural Interfaces, 1 and 2 Photon Microscopy, Neuromodulation Therapies, Electroceuticals, Bioelectronic Medicines, Autonomic Nervous System, Deep Brain Stimulation, Brain-Machine Interfaces, Brain-Computer Int...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Megan Mcclean

Megan McClean

Associate Professor

Contact:, (608) 890-0416

Research interests:

Profile Photo Thumb for Mary Meyerand

Beth Meyerand

Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-1685

Also: Industrial and Systems Engineering

Research interests: The development of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) based acquisition and post-processing methods to visualize diffusion and activation in the human brain., Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Medical Physics, UW Carbone Cancer Center

Profile Photo Thumb for William Murphy

William L. Murphy

Harvey D. Spangler Professor & H.I. Romnes Faculty Fellow

Contact:, (608) 265-9978

Also: Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Creation of new biomaterials using bioinspired approaches, Using biomaterials to define the stem cell microenvironment, Development of biomaterials for tissue regeneration (tissue engineering), New approaches f...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Duc-huy Nguyen

Duc-Huy T. Nguyen

Visiting Assistant Professor


Research interests: 3D biomimetic vascularized organ-on-chip, Organ-specific endothelial cell specification, Liver tissue engineering, Stem cell differentiation, and Cellular interactions in the liver microenvironment in liver dis...

Profile Photo Thumb for Krishanu Saha

Krishanu Saha


Contact:, (608) 316-4313

Research interests: Personalized and Regenerative Medicine, Biomaterials Engineering, Stem Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Signal transduction, Systems biology, Synthetic biology, Evolution & optimization of signaling pro...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Melissa Skala

Melissa Skala

Carol Skornicka Chair; Professor

Contact:, (608) 316-4108

Research interests: Optical imaging, Tissue engineering, Cancer, Metabolism, Immunology and cancer immunotherapy, Machine Learning, High-throughput tool development, Cell-cell interactions, Cellular heterogeneity, Translational re...

Other affiliations: Morgridge Institute for Research

Profile Photo Thumb for Darryl Thelen

Darryl G. Thelen

John Bollinger Chair of Mechanical Engineering
& Bernard A. and Frances M. Weideman Professor

Contact:, (608) 262-1902

Also: College of Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Dynamics and control of human movement, Wearable sensors in biomechanics, Neuromuscular adaptation with age, injury and disease, Imaging of soft tissue mechanics, Application of biomechanics in orthopedics, reh...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Orthopedics and Rehabilitation

Profile Photo Thumb for Pallavi Tiwari

Pallavi Tiwari

Associate Professor


Research interests: Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Biomedical Image Analysis, MRI, Radiomics, Radiogenomics,  Digital Pathology, Oncology, Neurological Disorders, Prognostic/predictive/t...

Other affiliations: Medical Physics, Radiology, UW Carbone Cancer Center

Profile Photo Thumb for Justin Williams

Justin Williams

Vilas Distinguished Achievemet and Harvey D. Spangler Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-3952

Also: Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Neural Engineering, BioMEMS, Microfluidics, Bio-fluidic interactions, Neural Rehabilitation, Neural Prostheses, Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Neurological Surgery

Profile Photo Thumb for Colleen Witzenburg

Colleen Witzenburg

Jane R. and Jack G. Mandula Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 890-3332

Also: Mechanical Engineering

Research interests:

    Cardiovascular Biomechanics and Physiology, Computational Modeling, Tissue Growth, Remodeling, and Failure, Soft tissue Characterization and Mechanical Testing, Congenital H...

    Courses: Click to see my courses

    Other affiliations: Pediatrics

Profile Photo Thumb for Filiz Yesilkoy

Filiz Yesilkoy

Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 262-5112

Also: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Biosensors, Nanophotonics, Nanobiotechnology, Bioimaging and microscopy techniques, Spectroscopy, Biomedical devices and instrumentation, Micro-Nano Fabrication, Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-chip devices

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Chemistry


Teaching Faculty

Profile Photo Thumb for Amit Nimunkar

Amit J. Nimunkar

Associate Teaching Professor

Contact:, (608) 890-1008

Research interests: Biomedical Instrumentation and Design, Real-time Biomedical Digital Signal Processing, Safety of less-lethal Electromuscular Incapacitation Device (EMD): Stun guns and Tasers, Hands-on Teaching and Learning Str...

Profile Photo Thumb for John Puccinelli

John Puccinelli

Associate Chair of the Undergraduate Program and Associate Teaching Professor

Contact:, (608) 890-3573

Research interests: Assessment, advising, curriculum, instruction, mentorship, inclusion and educational innovation - developing hands on approaches to teaching especially related to biomaterials, tissue/cellular engineering, biom...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Tracy Puccinelli

Tracy Jane Puccinelli

Teaching Assistant Professor

Profile Photo Thumb for Darilis Suarez-gonzalez

Darilis Suarez-Gonzalez

Associate Chair of the Masters Degree Program and Teaching Faculty II

Profile Photo Thumb for Christa Wille

Christa Wille

Teaching Faculty I



Profile Photo Thumb for Ed Bersu

Ed Bersu

Professor Emeritus

Profile Photo Thumb for Willis Tompkins

Willis J. Tompkins

Professor Emeritus

Contact:, (608) 263-1581

Also: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research interests: Microcomputer-based biomedical instrumentation, real-time biomedical digital signal processing, biomedical computing

Profile Photo Thumb for Mitchell Tyler

Mitchell E. Tyler

Senior Lecturer & Researcher - Emeritus

Contact:, (608) 334-7787

Research interests: Neural Engineering, Neural Rehabilitation, Noninvasive Neuromodulation (NINM), Electrocutaneous Stimulation, Biomechanics, Biomaterials

Courses: Click to see my courses


Adjunct or Faculty Affiliates

Profile Photo Thumb for Yunus Alapan

Yunus Alapan

Assistant Professor


Also: Biomedical Engineering

Research interests: Alapan's research group works at the interface of robotics, microtechnology and bioengineering, developing soft micro-robots inspired by nature for healthcare applications. The overarching theme of Alapan...

Profile Photo Thumb for Jose Ayuso-dominguez

Jose Ayuso Dominguez

Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 262-5538

Research interests: Our research focuses on studying human disease using advanced in vitro platforms that mimic the in vivo architecture and tissue microphysiology. We use these novel technologies to study multiple diseases, inclu...

Other affiliations: School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Juan Caicedo

Juan Caicedo

Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 316-3990

Profile Photo Thumb for Jason Cantor

Jason Cantor

Investigator (Morgridge); Assistant Professor (UW-Madison)

Contact:, (608) 316-4565

Research interests: Cellular Metabolism, Cancer biology, Immunology, Metabolomics, Functional Genomics, Bioengineering.

Other affiliations: Biochemistry

Profile Photo Thumb for Christian Capitini

Christian Capitini

MD, Associate Professor, Division Chief

Contact:, (608) 262-2415

Research interests: Basic, translational and clinical research of pediatric cancer, Adoptive cell therapies (NK cell and CAR T cell infusions), Graft-versus-host-disease, Acute Radiation Syndrome, Mesenchymal stromal cells, Macrop...

Other affiliations: School of Medicine and Public Health, Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center

Profile Photo Thumb for Scott Crawford

Scott Crawford

Assistant Professor


Research interests: Dr. Crawford’s research is focused on how biomechanical tissue properties change following musculotendinous injury and how quantitative knowledge of these tissue properties can be used to accelerate and o...

Other affiliations: Kinesiology

Profile Photo Thumb for Wendy Crone

Wendy Crone

Karen Thompson Medhi Professor

Contact:, (608) 262-8384

Also: Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Experimental mechanics of materials, characterization hydrogels and biomaterials, therapeutic medical devices, stem cell mechanics

Profile Photo Thumb for Elizabeth Felton

Elizabeth Felton

MD, Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-0755

Research interests: Relationship between the menstrual cycle, seizures, and ketosis in women on dietary treatment for epilepsy, Developing methods to use quantitative EEG, neuroimaging, and neuropsychological testing to better und...

Other affiliations: Neurology, School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Aaron Field

Aaron S. Field

MD, Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-7952

Research interests: MR tracking of myelination following glial cell transplantation, Quantitative magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of white matter disease, including diffusion tensor imaging, Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Radiology, School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Christian Franck

Christian Franck

Bjorn Borgen Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-8481

Also: Biomedical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Research interests: Experimental mechanics including digital image and volume correlation methods and 3D microscopy techniques.  Soft matter and cell mechanics including cellular traumatic brain injury.   

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Angela Gibson

Angela Gibson

MD, Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-9574

Research interests: Dr. Gibson’s research interests focus on epithelial regeneration in burn injury, evaluation of skin substitutes, human skin model development for wound healing, and understanding the burn wound microenvir...

Profile Photo Thumb for Bernadette Gillick

Bernadette Gillick

Associate Professor, Director Waisman Pediatric Neuromodulation Laboratory,
Director of Research Design- Institute for Clinical and Translational Research

Contact:, (608) 262-7457

Research interests: Gillick studies novel assessment and intervention tools to advance lifelong outcomes in children who have experienced early brain injury. She pioneered a neuromodulation program integrating non-invasive brain s...

Other affiliations: Pediatrics, School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Susan Hagness

Susan Hagness

Department Chair, Philip D. Reed Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
and Maria Stuchly Professor of Electrical Engineering

Contact:, (608) 265-5739

Also: Biomedical Engineering

Research interests: Bioelectromagneticsdielectric spectroscopy, electric pulse enhancement of gene therapy delivery, multi-physics effects of microwave-frequency directed energy, , computational electromagneticsFDTD theory and app...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center

Profile Photo Thumb for Timothy Hall

Timothy Hall


Contact:, (608) 265-9459

Research interests: Medical ultrasound, Wave propagation in inhomogeneous media, Characterization of media based on interactions with ultrasonic waves, Viscoelasticity, Nonlinear hyperelasticity, Measurement of the fundamental mec...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Medical Physics, School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Jo Handelsman

Jo Handelsman

Director of the Wisconsin Institute for Discover

Contact:, (608) 316-4555

Research interests: The Handelsman Lab uses multidisciplinary techniques to understand the structure and function of microbiomes. Our lab applies metagenomics, genetics, and small molecule chemistry, to study biochemistry and gene...

Profile Photo Thumb for Amgad Hanna

Amgad Hanna

MD, Professor

Contact:, (608) 255-4223

Research interests: Dr. Hanna’s lab investigates novel interventions to improve functional recovery after spinal cord injury (SCI) and nerve regeneration.Other affiliations: Neurological Surgery, School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Bryan Heiderscheit

Bryan Heiderscheit


Contact:, (608) 263-5428

Research interests: Neuromuscular adaptations to injury and aging, Gait mechanics, Running injuries, Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Corinne Henak

Corinne Henak

Elmer R. and Janet A. Kaiser Associate Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-1619

Also: Biomedical Engineering

Research interests: Mechanical and biological responses of cartilage to injury, Orthopedic soft tissue materials characterization, Finite element modeling

Other affiliations: Orthopedics and Rehabilitation

Profile Photo Thumb for Douglass Henderson

Douglass Henderson

Harvey D. Spangler Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-0808

Also: Biomedical Engineering

Research interests: Reactor physics, radiation transport, fusion reactor technology, nuclear waste

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Medical Physics

Profile Photo Thumb for Diego Hernando

Diego Hernando

Assistant Professor

Profile Photo Thumb for Seungpyo Hong

Seungpyo Hong

Milton J. Henrichs Chair, Professor

Contact:, (608) 890-0699

Research interests: Biomimetic nanotechnology, Nano-bio interactions, Targeted drug delivery for immunotherapy, Liquid biopsy, Cancer diagnostics/prognostics, Surface engineering

Other affiliations: School of Pharmacy

Profile Photo Thumb for Anna Huttenlocher

Anna Huttenlocher

MD, Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-4642

Research interests: Huttenlocher’s research focuses on understanding inflammation and its resolution. Her lab investigates how external cues and cell signaling networks regulate immune cell migration during tissue damage and...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Pediatrics, School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Meyer Jackson

Meyer Jackson

Kenneth S Cole Professor

Contact:, (608) 262-9111

Research interests: Studies of synaptic mechanisms at the molecular, cellular, and circuit levels

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Hongrui Jiang

Hongrui Jiang

Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, Lynn H. Matthias Professor in Engineering,
and Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-9418

Also: Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: MicroElectroMechanical System, Microsensors and microactuators, BioMEMS and micro-optics, Microfluidics, Lab on chips, Biomimetics and bioinspiration

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Jack Jiang

Jack Jiang

MD, Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-7888

Research interests: Vibratory properties of the vocal folds via studies of excised larynges, Biomechanical modeling, aerodynamics, and analysis of laryngeal microstructure, Development of accurate protocols for voice measurement i...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: School of Medicine and Public Health, Surgery

Profile Photo Thumb for Kevin Johnson

Kevin Johnson

Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-3694

Research interests: In the past several decades, major advances have been made in all of the commonly utilized medical imaging modalities such that imaging now plays an integral role in disease diagnosis, treatment planning, and t...

Other affiliations: Medical Physics, Radiology, School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Sheena Kerr

Sheena Kerr

Research Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 890-2273

Other affiliations: UW Carbone Cancer Center

Profile Photo Thumb for Pamela Kreeger

Pamela Kreeger

Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor

Contact:, (608) 890-2915

Research interests: Systems biology, tissue engineered models of cell-ECM/cell-cell interactions, ovarian cancer, wound healingCourses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center

Profile Photo Thumb for Bhuvana Krishnaswamy

Bhuvana Krishnaswamy

Charles Ringrose Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-7849

Also: Biomedical Engineering

Research interests: Wireless Networks, Low-Power Wireless Systems, Internet-of-Things, Biological Networks

Profile Photo Thumb for Hau- Le

Hau Le

MD, Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 262-0466

Also: Biomedical Engineering, University Staff Congress Elected Representative District 5

Research interests: Our laboratory is developing organoid models of pediatric and adult solid cancers such as neuroblastoma, Wilms, and glioblastoma to recapitulate the disease in humans better. We then use these organoid models t...

Other affiliations: School of Medicine and Public Health, Surgery

Profile Photo Thumb for Fred Lee

Fred Lee

MD, Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-0885

Research interests: Minimally invasive tumor ablation therapy, abdominal Imaging, abdominal Intervention, Other affiliations: Radiology, School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Chao Li

Chao Li



Profile Photo Thumb for Elebeoba May

Elebeoba May

Associate Professor

Contact:, (608) 316-4421

Also: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research interests: Dr. May’s research focuses on the design and integration of computational and experimental platforms to develop multi-scale, predictive models of host-pathogen interactions and biological systems.  T...

Other affiliations: Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery

Profile Photo Thumb for Alan Mcmillan

Alan B Mcmillan

Professor (CHS)

Contact:, (608) 262-2622

Also: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research interests: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), PET/MR, PET/CT, machine learning, deep learningOther affiliations: Medical Physics, Radiology

Profile Photo Thumb for Jacob Notbohm

Jacob Notbohm

Harvey D. Spangler Associate Professor

Contact:, (608) 890-0030

Also: Biomedical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Research interests: Solid mechanics | biomechanics | cell mechanics | biomaterials | collective cell migration | optical microscopy | adhesion

Profile Photo Thumb for Irene Ong

Irene Ong

Associate Professor

Profile Photo Thumb for Sean Palecek

Sean P. Palecek

Milton J. and A. Maude Shoemaker Professor

Contact:, (608) 262-8931

Also: Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Research interests: Cellular engineering, tissue engineering, stem cells, cell and protein biosensors

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Brian Pogue

Brian Pogue


Contact:, (608) 263-8037

Research interests: Optics in medicine, biomedical imaging to guide cancer therapy; molecular guided surgery; dose imaging in radiation therapy; Cherenkov light imaging; image guided spectroscopy of cancer; photodynamic therapy; m...

Profile Photo Thumb for Samuel Poore

Samuel Poore

MD, Associate Professor

Contact:, (608) 262-7906

Research interests: Microvascular and implant-based breast reconstruction, Reconstruction of the hand and extremities, Corrective surgery for acquired lymphedema, Other affiliations: School of Medicine and Public Health, Surgery

Profile Photo Thumb for Vivek Prabhakaran

Vivek Prabhakaran

MD, Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-5269

Research interests: Aging Biomarkers, Multimodal Neuroimaging, Stroke Research, Neuromodulation, Other affiliations: Radiology, School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Robert Radwin

Robert G. Radwin

Duane H. and Dorothy M. Bluemke Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-6596

Also: Biomedical Engineering

Research interests: Occupational ergonomics and biomechanics, Ergonomics design of manually operated products, hand tools and equipment, Measurements and methods for assessing exposure to physical stress in the workplace, Ca...

Other affiliations: Wisconsin Institute for Discovery

Profile Photo Thumb for Amish Raval

Amish N. Raval

MD, Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-0836

Research interests: In addition to being the UW Director of Clinical Cardiovascular Research, Dr. Raval’s translational research focus is development and therapeutic delivery of biologic agents, including stem cells and scaf...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Medicine, School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Scott Reeder

Scott B. Reeder

MD, Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-9964

Research interests: Research interests are in the areas of cardiovascular and abdominal MRI, particularly in the development of rapid and quantitative imaging techniques, including rapid cardiac imaging methods, and novel fat-wate...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Radiology, School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Alejandro Roldan-alzate

Alejandro Roldan-alzate

Mead Witter Associate Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-3696

Also: Biomedical Engineering

Research interests: Cardiovascular fluid dynamics, Medical imaging based computational fluid dynamics, Patient specific in vitro experiments, Patient specific virtual surgery, In vivo and In vitro 4D flow MRI, Particle Image Veloc...

Profile Photo Thumb for Ari Rosenberg

Ari Rosenberg

Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-5782

Research interests: The Rosenberg lab explores the following questions and problems:3D Vision: How do we perceive the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the world when our eyes only sense 2D projections like a movie on a screen?,...

Other affiliations: Neuroscience, School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Josh Roth

Josh Roth

Assistant Professor


Also: Biomedical Engineering

Research interests: Research in the lab utilizes a combination of experimental and computational methodologies and falls under three primary themes: ​     1. Transform the planning of personalized treatments ...

Other affiliations: Orthopedics and Rehabilitation

Profile Photo Thumb for Kris Sankaran

Kris Sankaran

Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-7688

Research interests: Navigating latent structure in multi-omics
Modern sequencing, imaging, and spectroscopy technologies give a window into complex biological environments. However, exploring these data witho...

Profile Photo Thumb for Eric Shusta

Eric Shusta

Howard Curler Distinguished Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-5103

Also: Biomedical Engineering

Research interests: Brain drug delivery, blood-brain barrier modeling, biopharmaceutical design, protein engineering

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: Neurological Surgery

Profile Photo Thumb for Michael Speidel

Michael Speidel

Associate Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-6795

Research interests: X-ray fluoroscopy and angiography, device guidance during cardiac interventions, dose reduction, scanning-beam digital x-ray (SBDX) technology, Other affiliations: Medical Physics, School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Masatoshi Suzuki

Masatoshi Suzuki


Contact:, (608) 262-4264

Research interests: Applications of stem cell technology for neuromusuclar and musculoskeletal diseases, bioengineered in vitro modeling to understand skeletal muscle biology and diseases, regenerative medicine, cell-based therapy...

Other affiliations: School of Veterinary Medicine

Profile Photo Thumb for Owen Tamplin

Owen Tamplin

Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 890-0938

Research interests: The hematopoietic stem cell microenvironment

Profile Photo Thumb for Susan Thibeault

Susan Thibeault


Contact:, (608) 263-0192

Research interests: The Thibeault lab research program focuses broadly on further understanding the biological mechanisms of the extracellular matrix of the vocal folds, specifically related to inflammation, fibrosis and scarring ...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Other affiliations: School of Medicine and Public Health, Surgery

Profile Photo Thumb for Maria Virumbrales-munoz

María Virumbrales-Muñoz

Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 890-3649

Research interests: Biomimetic modeling of ovarian cancer initiation and factors promoting metastasis.
Biomimetic modeling of cell-cell interactions and cues in the primary breast tumor.
Biomimetic modeling of tumor angi...

Other affiliations: School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Xudong Wang

Xudong Wang

Professor and Associate Chair of Named MS Studies

Contact:, (608) 890-2667

Also: Biomedical Engineering

Research interests: Oxide nanomaterials growth and characterization, Piezoelectric nanostructures and nanodevices for mechanical energy harvesting, Semiconductor nanomaterials and devices for solar energy harvesting and energy sto...

Courses: Click to see my courses

Profile Photo Thumb for Andrew Wentland

Andrew Wentland

MD, Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-2021

Research interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Medical Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Other affiliations: Radiology, School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for John-paul Yu

John-Paul Yu

MD, Assistant Professor

Contact:, (608) 265-4792

Research interests: Systems neuroscience, Austism Spectrum Disorder, Schizophrenia, RNA-Seq, Mass Spectroscopy Proteomics, MRI, MR Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Cellular RedoxOther affiliations: School of Medicine and Public Health

Profile Photo Thumb for Xinyu Zhao

Xinyu Zhao

Jenni and Kyle Professor

Contact:, (608) 263-9906

Research interests: The research in our laboratory focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate brain development, with the goal of developing better treatment for brain disorders.We use transgenic mice,&nb...

Other affiliations: Neuroscience


Administrative Staff

Profile Photo Thumb for Shanna Hargrove

Shanna Hargrove

Assistant Department Administrator

Contact:, (608) 263-2149

Profile Photo Thumb for Sondra Naxi

Sondra Naxi

Research Administrator

Contact:, (608) 262-0417

Profile Photo Thumb for Vishmaa Ramsaroop-briggs

Vishmaa Ramsaroop-Briggs

Communications Specialist

Contact:, (608) 262-9523

Profile Photo Thumb for Mondira Saha-muldowney

Mondira Saha-Muldowney

Department Administrator

Profile Photo Thumb for Nhia Vang

Nhia Vang


Contact:, (608) 890-2171

Student Services Staff

Profile Photo Thumb for Crystal Lipek

Crystal Lipek

Academic Advisor

Contact:, (608) 890-4648

Also: College of Engineering, Student Services, Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering