Michael Andrie is Program Director for Interdisciplinary Professional Program's IC Engine Professional Development and a Researcher in the Engine Research Center (ERC) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He has more than 40 years of experience in IC engine development. Michael began his engineering career at John Deere and then spent 17 years at Cummins Engine Company, where he was managing and developing engines for the Automotive, Industrial, and Marine markets. Michael joined the University of Wisconsin in 2007 and is active in research, mentoring, consulting, and continuing engineering education. His consulting includes work with suppliers, vehicle and engine manufactures. He hold several patents and is an author on numerous publications. He also served as the Program Manager for the ~35 members of the "Decarbonized-Engine Research Consortium" (DERC) formerly the Direct-injection Engine Research Consortium”. He also managed the Biennial ERC symposium.
He received his BSAE and MSME degrees from the University of Minnesota in 1978, and 1980 respectively. He has 40+ years of industry performance and mechanical development experience on advanced compression ignition engines for commercial automotive and off-road applications.