Carl J. Martin



Profile Photo

Room: 107
Engineering Research Building
1500 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Ph: (608) 265-3957

Profile Summary


B.S. - 1982 - Mechanical Engineering Duke University, Durham NC

M.S. - 1985 - Aerospace Engineering Massachusetts University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH



1982-85 - Design Engineer, General Electric Aircraft Engine Business Group, Cincinnati OH

1985-89 - Senior Engineer, Planning Research Corporation, Hampton VA

1989–97 - Principal Engineer, Lockheed Martin Engineering and Sciences, Hampton VA

1997-98 - Aerospace Engineer, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA

1998-Present - Researcher, University of Wisconsin, College of Engineering, Madison WI,



J.P. Blanchard, C.J. Martin, M.S. Tillack and X.R. Wang, "Ratchetting Models for Fusion Components Design," Fusion Science & Technology, 60, (2011), 313-317.

M.L.Corradini, J.P. Blanchard, and C.J.Martin "Evaluation of Dynamic Pressures from Steam Explosions applied to Advanced LWRs," Nuc Sci Eng, 168, (2011), 185.

 A.Diab, M.L.Corradini, C.J.Martin, “ Long-Term Validation of the Molten Fuel–Moderator Interactions Model”, Nuclear Technology, V169 (2010).

B. J. Merrill, L. El-Guebaly, C. Martin, R. L. Moore, A. R. Raffray, and the ARIES-CS Team,
"Safety Assessment of the ARIES Compact Stellarator Design," Fusion Science and Technology, 54(3), 838-863, Oct 2008.

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