Dr. Lei Zhou is jointly appointed in Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering, and is an Associate Director of WEMPEC. She directs the Precision Mechatronics and Control Lab (PMCL). Dr. Zhou’s research focuses on developing novel and high-performance mechatronic solutions through exploiting the synergy between precision machine design, electric machines and drives, and control algorithms, thereby broadly impacting applications such as manufacturing equipment and robotic systems. Her current research projects include the control co-design of over-actuated lightweight nanopositioning systems for high-throughput chip manufacturing, high-strength and transparent actuation and proprioceptive sensing for interactive robots, and the design and control of soft-robotic stamp transfer system for wafer-scale 2D electronics array assembly.
Prof. Zhou on YouTube: https://youtu.be/OXWAsxCLxUg?si=y70cuEaxyIBQvYE_