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Profile Summary

International Engineering
• Fulbright Teaching Award at three universities in Colombia, planning outreach professional development programs for architects and engineers
• Developed and taught graduate course, “International Engineering Strategies and Operations,” as part of the Master of Engineering Management (MEM), Wisconsin’s first online degree program
• Developed and taught “Current Issues in International Engineering,” the capstone senior seminar for the COE Certificate of International Engineering
Disaster Management
• Co-Founder of the University of Wisconsin-Disaster Management Center (UWDMC), the first distance education program for disaster/emergency management in the world
• Collaborated worldwide with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the development and delivery of their Emergency Management Training Program
• U.S. delegate to “World Conference of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction," sponsored by the United Nations, in Yokohama, JAPAN
• Co-convenor for the “First International Emergency Settlement Conference," sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Ford Foundation, in Madison, Wisconsin
• Facilitator for the regional International Climate Outlook Forums, sponsored by USAID/OFDA in Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA
• Member of expert panel exploring “National Emergency Response Architecture,” through the Visiting Scientist Program of Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA),  Sandia National Laboratories
• Developed and managed the ProVention Consortium/World Bank Applied Research Program for Hazard Risk Reduction, preparing research project review criteria, coordinating proposal review process, funding grantees, setting up program website, managing regional centers and grantees for 200 projects worldwide
Building Energy Design
• In 1977, developed the first comprehensive outreach program for training "energy auditors" in collaboration with the Wisconsin Public Service Commission and the Wisconsin Utilities Association

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