Matt Cone

Practice Director, Customer Service


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Fluno Center
601 University Ave., Fluno Center 3rd Floor, InterPro
Madison, WI 53715

Ph: (608) 263-0635

Profile Summary

Hello, I'm Matthew Cone.

I lead the Customer Service Practice for the UW E-Business Consortium. I get the honor of supporting a collaborative learning environment for our members. Connecting with them to understand what the challenges of their businesses and strengths of their teams are. With this information, find unique ways to pair them together to support the greater community of our consortium through Peer Group events, introductions between members or Special Interest Groups. Where we don’t have the resources amongst the talented pool of member companies we’ve brought together, we reach out to outside subject matter experts to get us started on the right path. I have spent my last 20+ years in Customer Care Leadership, the most recent 15 with Apple. I've gotten to lead B2C sales, B2B sales, and Technical Support. My most recent leadership experience focused on People initiatives such as Recruiting, Training and Development.

I received my Bachelors degree in Management from Cardinal Stritch which provides a highly collaborative environment. I am really looking forward to the work of supporting and sharing the incredible strength of Member companies here at the UWEBC. I have spent much of my life focused on, and delivering experiences for customers either directly, or through the development of a team. I’m excited to leverage those skills, while stepping into this arena. As a leader I find that a focus on the value of diversity and empathy are so important to building trust and a desire to see everyone succeed. As the old proverb goes, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” I believe as a society, and as a consortium we are of so much value to our members not just because of who we are, but because we value who they are. With the events of the last two years, everyone has been impacted and each person, no matter their role has been faced with challenge, and maybe even hardship, but with the collaboration of the consortium I would hazard that our members have fared better through that support.

Having spent my last 15 years in a recognized leader in the technology space, I have been a part of significant innovation within not just the products offerd, but the way customers were connected to them, and supported with them. I expect that experience will help me serve as a new perspective to help the UWEBC continue to meet our members where they need us to be, hopefully we can even get there before our members realize they need us there. As a lifelong Madisonian with no desire to leave, I’m delighted to be in a position to support and influence the businesses in our Wisconsin to strengthen this place that I call home, and also play a bigger role in my community.

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