Sinan Tas is the director of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE) professional master’s programs: Systems Engineering and Analytics (SEA) and Human Factors and Health Systems Engineering (HFHSE) as well as the academic director of the Interdisciplinary Professional Programs Master of Engineering in Engineering Data Analytics (MEDA) program at UW-Madison. He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in decision and risk analysis, optimization, and capstone projects.
Dr. Tas received his a PhD degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering (2012) and an MS degree in Health Systems Engineering (2010) from UW-Madison, an MS degree in International Relations-Security (2006) from METU-Ankara, Turkey, an MS degree in Industrial and Operations Engineering (2003) from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, and BS degree in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (1999) from Turkish Naval Academy.
Dr. Tas is a certified project manager and is involved in operations research, operations management, and risk analysis projects with various organizations including Argonne National Laboratories, the Department of Energy, the Department of Homeland Security, Wisconsin Department of Health Services. He has co-authored several journal articles and book chapters and made numerous presentations at industrial engineering and operations research/management conferences. He has more than fifteen years of teaching and administrative experience both at graduate and undergraduate levels including in the areas of operations research, operations and supply chain management, data analytics and machine learning, lean manufacturing and continuous improvement, senior design capstone projects, quality engineering, project management, information security, system safety, decision analysis, and risk analysis/management.