David M. Mickelson

Professor Emeritus


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256B Lewis G. Weeks Hall For Geological Science
1215 West Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706

Ph: (608) 262-7863

Primary Affiliation:
Geological Engineering

Profile Summary

I am also interested in applied aspects of Quaternary geology. Several of my students have worked on shoreline erosion problems along Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. Much of this work is in cooperation with faculty and students in soil mechanics. We have been developing ideas of bluff evolution and ways of predicting bluff instability by incorporating geologic studies into a slope stability model. We have also been compiling information on the hydrologic and geotechnical properties of glacial deposits in Wisconsin and two students are working on the effects of variability in glacial deposits on groundwater movement. Modern glacial processes, Pleistocene stratigraphy and various aspects of geomorphology are my primary interests. Our research program is active in southeast Alaska. Two students have just finished theses in Glacier Bay National Park, where deglaciation is very rapid and the formation of eskers, marginal channels and other landforms can be observed. We have also worked on the genesis of glacial deposits in Scandinavia, New England and the Midwest.

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