James Sember

Executive Director


Profile Photo

Room: 1437
Engineering Hall
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Ph: (608) 265-3816
Fax: (608) 262-5559

Primary Affiliation:
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Additional Affiliations:

Profile Summary

Jim has worked in the power electronics and power systems arena for more than 36 years and has been associated with WEMPEC for the majority of that time. Power electronics is an intriguing and challenging combination of technologies.  In addition to power electronics circuit design, the discipline includes power systems, machine design, machine control, analog and digital electronics, digital signal processing, and real-time embedded system control.  Jim has done engineering work in all of those areas.  His career includes development of AC and DC drives and control systems, engine-driven generators, and multi-megawatt grid-connected power conversion systems for reactive compensation and grid-connected energy storage.  He holds 8 U.S. patents.

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