Jennifer Volk

John D. Wiley Assistant Professor


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Room: 3621
Engineering Hall
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Ph: (608) 265-2639

Profile Summary

My research focuses on leveraging the unique properties of novel technologies (like, e.g., superconductor electronics and photonics) to create highly efficient systems for next-generation domains (e.g., datacenters, neuromorphic and quantum computing, and space, satellite, and sensing systems). I take on a holistic approach, centering on circuit design and spanning materials science and computer microarchitecture, to develop solutions that fully exploit the strengths of these technologies while mitigating their drawbacks.

My work tends to follow three objectives:

  • Identify promising technologies: Evaluate the potential of novel technologies to outperform CMOS in specific applications. 
  • Lower the barrier to entry: Develop new abstractions, rules, and techniques to simplify the design process for these technologies and accelerate development.
  • Design with the stack in mind: Co-optimize logic and circuit blocks that scale to meet the requirements of target applications.

You can find an up-to-date list of my publications on my scholar page.

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