Dominic Gross

Dugald C. Jackson Assistant Professor


Profile Photo

Room: 2562
Engineering Hall
1415 Engineering Dr.
Madison, WI 53706

Ph: (608) 263-3106

Profile Summary

Climate change and sustainability are the biggest challenge of our times and have motivated an unprecedented transformation of electric power systems towards renewable generation that aims to curb carbon emissions and to ensure reliable and affordable access to electrical energy.

At the heart of this transition to a 100% renewable zero-carbon power system is a technological paradigm shift from centralized bulk generation connected to the grid via synchronous machines to distributed renewable generation connected the grid via power electronics. My research focuses on grid-forming control of power electronics-interfaced renewable generation such as wind and solar power that is envisioned to be the cornerstone of tomorrow’s resilient zero-carbon power system.

Starting from a rigorous foundation in distributed control and optimization of complex networked systems my aim is to bridge the gap between power system stability analysis and advanced control of power converters interfacing heterogeneous renewable generation.


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