Kenneth Potter

Professor Emeritus


Profile Photo

1261C Engineering Hall
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Ph: (608) 262-0040
Fax: (608) 262-5199

Profile Summary

The restoration of degraded aquatic systems requires the re-establishment of natural flow rates and water levels. Our research includes assessment of hydrologic conditions, under past, present, and alternative future conditions. We are particularly interested in the exchange of water between surface and subsurface systems. The growth of urban areas is a primary threat to aquatic resources. "Low-impact development" offers a potential way to accommodate population growth without sacrificing environmental quality. One promising strategy is to construct impervious and pervious areas so as to maintain natural rates of infiltration and groundwater recharge. Our research involves both the design and evaluation of various strategies for low-impact land development. Aquatic resources, such as streams, lakes, wetlands, and groundwater, are essential to our well being. Ironically, use of these resources and their associated watersheds has led to their degradation. Our research focuses on providing a technical basis for the sustainable use of aquatic resources and for the restoration of degraded aquatic resources. This research is strongly interdisciplinary, involving faculty and students from the earth, life, and social sciences, as well as from engineering. Research methods include the use of field measurements and hydrologic modeling.

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