Daniel Wright

Arno Lenz Memorial Associate Professor of Water Resources Engineering


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Room: 1269C
Engineering Hall
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Ph: (608) 262-1978

Profile Summary

We work in a number of research areas, including:

  • Measurement, modeling, and analysis of extreme rainfall at high resolution using a variety of sources including rain gages, ground-based weather radar, satellite-based sensors, and numerical weather and climate models.
  • Understanding the roles of rainfall and land surface process variability and interactions to produce floods at a wide range of scales using high-resolution multi-scale supercomputer-based watershed models.
  • Interfacing with meteorologists and climate scientists to translate projected changes in extreme precipitation from regional and global climate models into projections of future rainfall and flood risks.
  • Developing practical tools for improved probabilistic rainfall and flood hazard and risk estimation.

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