I teach all of the advanced courses in image processing for remote sensing as well as those involving digital photogrammetry. I'm the instructor for an advanced image processing algorithms class which allows students to contribute to image processing software written by the class. I have many students with research interests in digital or softcopy photogrammetry. The research projects in this group involve developing better matching algorithms as well as developing whole softcopy photogrammetric systems. Our group has copies of four commercial softcopy systems operational on Silicon Graphics and Pentium workstations. Our research group investigates data derived from sattelites such as AVHRR, Landsat and Spot, with resolutions of 10 meters to one kilometer. In addition, we investigate applications which use digitized photography with ground resolution as small as six inches. Investigations into digital data compression algorithms which involve wavelet transformations are underway. In order to improve the accuracy of multipspectral classifications, my graduate students and I are involved with a number of research projects on fuzzy classification and neural network algorithms. We are investigating methods of integrating the information derived using traditional remote sensing methods with topogaphic information derived from softcopy photogammetic systems. My research focuses on developing computer algorithms to more efficiently and correctly identify and quantify environmental resources from satellite and aerial imagery.