Awad S. Hanna

Boldt Company Professor in Construction and Engineering Management


Profile Photo

Room: 2320
Engineering Hall
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1691

Ph: (608) 263-8903
Fax: (608) 263-5705

Profile Summary

Dr. Awad S. Hanna is the BOLDT Company Professor and Chair of the Construction Engineering and Management Program within the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, as well as the director of the Construction and Materials Support Center (CMSC) in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. His primary research interest is the intersection of productivity at the labor, project, and organizational level, and area in which he is an internationally acclaimed thought leader. In fact, the Critical Review of Labor Productivity in Construction Journals ranked him the most productive researcher worldwide in this field. Additional areas of research interest include:

  • Integrated Project Delivery
  • Lean Construction
  • Cumulative Impact/Change Management
  • Delay Management
  • Out-of-Sequence Work
  • Construction Readiness
  • Contractual Risk Allocation
  • Competencies of Project Managers
  • TIME © (Tools, Information, Materials, Environment)
  • Construction Claims
  • Crew Scheduling/Schedule Acceleration

Dr. Hanna has authored hundreds of articles in refereed journals and dozens of major books on these and other topics in conjunction with major industry research partners such as the Construction Industry Institute (CII), ELECTRI International, the National Electrical Contractor’s Association (NECA), the Mechanical Contracting Foundation (MCF), and the New Horizon Foundation. Currently, he is at work on a new book concerning productivity assessment for claims and contract adjustments within the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing/fire protection trades.

On a personal note, Dr. Hanna is an avid fan of the Green Bay Packers and Wisconsin Badger football teams. His hobbies include playing soccer, pickleball, long-distance cycling, and fishing on Lake Mendota. Dr. Hanna is also proud to be the founder and faculty advisor of the student Construction Club organization on campus. 

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