In the safety and operational effects area of geometric design and traffic control elements, we recently completed a study on the development of a safety-based level of service criterion for signalized intersections, and are initiating another study on the development of traffic conflict-based sight distance requirements for stop-controlled intersections.Both efforts involve applying probability methods, traffic flow modeling, and human factors considerations to evaluate the consequences of alternative designs more effectively.We are also completing a study for the Wisconsin DOT on the development of safety-based standards for the treatment of pavement rutting.This investigation involved the application of statistical methods to the analysis of accident and rut-depth data on rural highways throughout Wisconsin. Our research in highway deficiency and project development methodologies has focused on designing a computer software package that evaluates existing and modified highway alignments on the basis of sight distances, curve design speeds, vehicle operating speeds, accident rates, and user costs.The software also can generate a benefit-cost ratio for proposed improvements. In the area of rail-highway grade crossing safety, we recently have conducted research on accident prediction and resource allocation models to verify and improve state-of-the-art computerized procedures.This work included an evaluation of how regression-to-the-mean phenomena should be accounted for in accident prediction models.We also have investigated railroad pre-emption requirements for signalized intersections.This included evaluating traffic signal controller capabilities and requirements, as well as developing analytical methods for evaluating the need forpre-emption and the timing of the pre-emption phasing. My research has focused on rail-highway grade crossing safety, highway deficiency analysis and project development methodologies, and the safety and operational effects of geometric design and traffic control elements.