I serve as Director of Neuroimaging Research in the Department of Radiology and my group works with various faculty and scientists both with and outside the department in facilitating various neuroimaging research studies. The goal of my research program is to develop multimodal neuroimaging biomarkers in aging and in various aging patient populations such as Stroke, AD, for diagnosis, prognosis, and in tracking disease. Specifically our group’s expertise is in using multimodal neuroimaging involving MRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), PET, CT, MEG, EEG and other advanced neuroimaging as well as behavioral measures for biomarker development using machine learning, graph theory and other advanced analytic tools. I have extensive experience in rehabilitation/recovery both as a neurologist and having conducted adult stroke rehabilitation and recovery research for past 20 years. Our group is also looking at various neuromodulation tools (tDCS, Brain Computer Interface and Cranial Nerve Neuromodulation technology) in various populations and characterizing imaging, cognitive and motor changes due to neuromodulation.