Susan Hagness

Department Chair, Philip Dunham Reed Professor


Profile Photo

2420 Engineering Hall
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Ph: (608) 265-5739
Fax: (608) 262-1267

Profile Summary

My group's research spans computational and experimental applied electromagnetics, with an emphasis on bioelectromagnetics. Applied electromagnetics is playing a pivotal role in the development of advanced technologies that address society's challenges across a broad spectrum of humanitarian applications. We focus our work on cross-disciplinary problems that are extremely interesting and challenging from an academic perspective and fundamentally important from a societal perspective.  Innovations that leverage the interactions of electromagnetic waves with human and plant tissue are at the heart of our research on both diagnostic and therapeutic applications in medicine and short-range remote sensing applications in agriculture.

Our work is inherently multi-disciplinary and collaborative within and beyond electrical engineering. Our basic research activities are conducted primarily in Engineering Hall (3415 EH and 3559 EH). Our clinically oriented research has been conducted on site at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, and our smart-ag research has been conducted out in the field, quite literally. Past and current research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (National Cancer Institute), National Science Foundation, DARPA,  Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Wisconsin Cranberry Board, and industry.

Prof. Hagness's Google Scholar Citations web page

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