Assistant Teaching Professor
gwabiszewski@wisc.edu, (608) 262-7337
Charles Ringrose Assistant Professor
Renewable technology systems modeling and simulation, Energy storage dispatch optimization , High-temperature power generation technology design, Concentrating optics, Hybrid generation systems, Battery testing, Prof. Wagner on YouTube: https://youtu.be/4ceJNOPSSqEmjwagner2@wisc.edu, +16088901910
Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics
Fluid dynamics, bifurcations and turbulence, scientific computingfabian.waleffe@wisc.edu, (608) 263-3269
Adjunct Professor
Professor and Associate Chair of Named MS Studies
Materials Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Oxide nanomaterials growth and characterization, Piezoelectric nanostructures and nanodevices for mechanical energy harvesting, Semiconductor nanomaterials and devices for solar energy harvesting and energy storage, Nanoscale piezoelectric effect and piezotronics, Piezocatalysis and interface between piezoelectricity and electrochemistryxudong@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 890-2667
Assistant Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering
xin.wang(at)wisc.edu, (608) 890-3913
Associate Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Bu leads the Sustainable Materials Innovation Lab in the CEE department (SMIL-CEE). The lab's mission is to develop innovative and interdisciplinary technological solutions to address the urgent need for sustainable civil engineering materials.Current projects in the lab include:bu.wang@wisc.edu, (608) 262-8698
Poroelastic behavior of fracture rock, numerical modeling of fluid flow, thermal history, and chemical diffusion related to geologic processeswang@geology.wisc.edu, (608) 262-5932
Dugald C. Jackson Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
2D/quantum material physics and their device applications including advanced optoelectronics and information storage. And the exploration on quantum behaviors in such material systems can potentially extend current information technology beyond classic limit. Currently looking for graduate students/postdoc/undergraduates who are interested ...y.wang@wisc.edu,
Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
Marine Robots, Bioinspired Robots, Modular Robots, Dynamics and Control, Underwater Perception wwang745@wisc.edu, (608) 263-2471
The mission of Andi Wang’s research is to develop principled methodologies of data mining and machine learning for science and engineering applications, especially system and process improvement. Dr. Wang's research aims to push the boundary and promote the application of data science methods in facilitating the advancement of engineering industr...andi.wang@wisc.edu,
Professor Emeritus
Surface physics, low-energy electron diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopmbwebb@comb.physics.wisc.edu, (608) 262-3305
Medical instrumentation, implantable intracranial pressure monitor, safety of less-lethal electromuscular incapacitation device (EMD): stun guns and Tasers, biopotential amplifiers and interference, bioelectrodes, sleep apnea device,
1. Optical sensors for emerging contaminant detection2. Vibrational spectroscopy for in situ characterization of environmental systems3. Point-of-use water treatment technologieshaoran.wei3@wisc.edu,
Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Soft materials, Micro- and nanofabrication, Microbiology, Chemical biology, Biotechnologydouglas.weibel@wisc.edu, (608) 890-1342
Construction management, AEC business organization, and performance metrics.rcweiland@wisc.edu,
Program Director, Maintenance and Reliability Management Certificate & Technical Leadership Certificate
Interdisciplinary Professional Programs, College of Engineering
jwellik@wisc.edu, (734) 646-0963
Professor and Associate Vice Chancellor for Research in the Physical Sciences
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Amy Wendt is a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UW-Madison, where she has been a faculty member since 1990. Her research focus is ionized gas discharges for technological applications. Understanding the behavior of low-temperature plasmas, how they interact with materials substrates and implications for process and s...wendt@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 262-8407
MD, Assistant Professor
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Medical Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Research at the UWalwentland@wisc.edu, (608) 265-2021
Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) for health care systems and patient safety, Care transitions across health care systems, Consumer health informatics, Health information technology, Health care delivery at home, HFE applications in Gerontology, Health care collaborative work and multiple task managementnwerner3@wisc.edu, (608) 890-2578
Health information technology design, implementation and use and the impact on clinicians and patient outcomes, The basic science of Primary Care, Medication safetytbw@medicine.wisc.edu, (608) 890-2110
I started my graduate studies at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology to work on computer-aided reconstruction of the nervous system of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans with Sydney Brenner. Together with my collaborators, we obtained the complete synaptic circuitry of the hermaphrodite (the connectome) and then went on to identify gene...jwhite1@wisc.edu, (608) 265-4813
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Cardiovascular MRI, Rapid Imaging, Image Reconstruction from undersampled data, Quantitative Flow Imaging, Quantifying hemodynamics from MRI data, Motion detection and correction owieben@wisc.edu, (608) 263-0793
Professor Associate Chair for Graduate Affairs
Cognitive Systems Engineering, System Safety, Accident Investigation, Human Error Analysis, Aviation, Healthcaredawiegmann@wisc.edu, (608) 890-1932
Teaching Faculty I
Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Computer Sciences
Signal Processing, Image Processing, Machine Learning, Optimization, Point Processes, High-dimensional Statisticswillett@discovery.wisc.edu,
Assistant Faculty Associate
Vilas Distinguished Achievemet and Harvey D. Spangler Professor
Neural Engineering, BioMEMS, Microfluidics, Bio-fluidic interactions, Neural Rehabilitation, Neural Prostheses, Research at UWjwilliams@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 265-3952
Department Chair, Grainger Professor of Nuclear Engineering
Monte Carlo methods, Nuclear fuel cycles, Energy policy, Proliferation analysis, Transmutation/depletion/activationpaul.wilson@wisc.edu, (608) 263-0807
Conducting polymers, phase transitions, structure of linear and branched macromolecular hostsmwinokur@wisc.edu, (608) 263-7475
Computational methods in fluid and solid mechanicswitt@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 263-2760
Jane R. and Jack G. Mandula Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Biofilm formation and control., Identification, characterization and detection of enterotoxins of Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureau.acwong@facstaff.wisc.edu, (608) 263-1168
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Sciences
We have also developed a new memory system simulation method that optimizes the common case---cache hits---significantly reducing simulation time. Fast-Cache tightly integrates reference generation and simulation by providing the abstraction of tagged memory blocks: each reference invokes a user-specified function depending upon the reference type and ...david@cs.wisc.edu, (608) 263-7463
Magnetohydrodynamics, stellarators and fusion energy, high performance scientific computing, nonlinear and dynamical systems, policy and science diplomacy.adelle.wright@wisc.edu, (608) 890-1619
Industrial and Systems Engineering, Computer Sciences
Optimization and its Applications in all areas of Science and Engineering.swright@cs.wisc.edu, (608) 262-4838
Arno Lenz Memorial Associate Professor of Water Resources Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Freshwater and Marine Sciences
Satellite and ground-based rainfall remote sensing, Rainfall and flood processes at urban and regional scales, Computationally-intensive simulation for probabilistic natural hazards risk assessment, Statistical, stochastic, and physical hydrology, Modernization of stormwater and flood management theory and practicedanielb.wright@wisc.edu, (608) 262-1978
Scientific Machine Learning, Bayesian Inference, Data Assimilation, Dynamical Systems, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Stochastic Processes, Uncertainty Quantificationjinlong.wu@wisc.edu,
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering, Freshwater and Marine Sciences
Coastal processes, engineering, resilience, and sustainability, Environmental & ecological fluid mechanics/hydraulics, Restoration and rehabilitation of aquatic systems (river/stream, lake, and wetland), Green Infrastructure, low impact development, and sustainable urban planning and development, Risk assessment and resilience for extreme even...chinwu@engr.wisc.edu, (608) 263-3078